By Elissa Taublib, news staff
Northeastern’s symphony orchestra and choral society will host their fall concerts Dec. 1 and 2, respectively, featuring musical pieces from different time periods. Both performances will be held at the Fenway Center at 8 p.m.
The NU Choral Society is the oldest and largest vocal ensemble at Northeastern University. It has a group of about 100 singers, all of whom will be presenting part one of Handel’s “Messiah,” an oratorio composed in the 18th century by George Frideric Handel, along with other short music pieces. The earliest piece that will be performed is from the early 15th century, and the most recent was written only a few months ago.
Professor of music and Director of Choral Activities Joshua Jacobson said the purpose of any concert is to use music to communicate in ways that words alone cannot. He said music speaks directly to the heart by using an emotional language.
“Choral music brings people together,” Jacobson said. “When you have an ensemble, each person by themselves cannot create the piece; it’s only through the cooperative work that it comes together. Each week we come away from rehearsal with the feeling that we’ve accomplished something, not just that we’ve learned music, but that by working together in empathy we can create something great.”
Besides rehearsing once a week, members of both ensembles are also expected to practice on their own in preparation for the concert.
The choir director has conducted Handel’s “Messiah” before, but said each time he brings something new to the piece. Jacobson said when he is performing such old music, he thinks about how he can recreate the original sound to make it relevant to the performers and audiences today.
Fifth-year behavioral neuroscience major Emmalee Todd, who is the student president of the NU Choral Society, has been a member of the choir since her sophomore year. She said being part of the group has given her the opportunity to become part of something that is bigger than herself. She said she wants the audience to feel as if they have stepped out of their normal lives during the fall concert.
“My hope for this concert is that people will be able to come to this and experience something that kind of transcends the struggles of everyday life that they’ve been dealing with,” Todd said. “They can forget about all the difficult stuff that’s going and just enjoy some really fantastic music and hopefully be moved by it.”
The Northeastern University Symphony Orchestra, or NUSO, is also performing music ranging from the baroque period to the present day this weekend at a concert. Although the group is open to all students, staff and faculty, one has to audition to be a part of the ensemble. Fourth-year computer science and math major William Meehan is the public relations manager of NUSO and a cello player. Meehan said since there is a selection process, members of the symphony usually have been playing their instruments for a long time.
“You meet friends at the orchestra,” he said. “It’s a learning experience because it offers you a new perspective on the music that you are playing as well as just a good social experience.”
Jacobson said students look to hang out with people who have shared interests, and the choir can unite those interested in singing.
“There’s an incredible high that you get when you harmonize with your fellow human beings,” he said. “I mean that both in the literal sense of making music together and also in the harmonizing your soul with people that you like and trust.”
Meehan also stated the importance of the symphony orchestra as a cultural cornerstone to tie in with the centuries-long tradition of classical music. He also said they serve the university not only in the concerts they host, but also by attracting prospective students that are looking to join an orchestra in college. On Dec. 1, the group will be performing “Light Cavalry,” an orchestra by Franz von Suppé, as well as “Symphony Number 6” by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
“As much as the concert is for us, we hope that the audience comes out with a new perspective on the music,” Meehan said. “The orchestra provides an excellent cultural outlet, especially being so close to the Boston Symphony Orchestra [and] with the campus [being] on the ‘Avenue of the Arts.’”
Students can get their tickets through the myNortheastern portal.