NU students back Baird with rally at State House

October 27, 2022

More than 100 Northeastern students, all but a handful of them freshman, showed up at the State House Sept. 10 to support Bill Baird’s challenge of Massachusetts birth control laws.

Baird has spoken at Northeastern’s Alumni Auditorium Tuesday evening and had asked for support the
following afternoon when he confronted Attorney General Robert Quinn regarding the rejection of Baird’s
attempt to challenge the laws by public referendum.

The students arrived at the State House at noon and began a picket line. Some couples held hands.

Baird arrived at quarter past with a fresh batch of signs and the enthusiasm, and the chanting picked up.

Three State House policemen stood by watching and talking with curious pedestrians.

A Green Beret in full uniform with campaign ribbons and medals and wire-rimmed sunglasses stood nearby,
movie camera at the ready, immortalizing the event on film.

“Legalize birth control, freedom for Bill Baird”

Two of the policemen began talking, smiled and turned to face Beacon Street, their backs to the marchers.

“We want a referendum!”

At 12:00 Baird stopped the march and made a short speech to his followers and supporters who clustered
around him.

He thanked them all for their support and headed up the stairs to the State House followed by reporters and

And the students at the bottom of the steps, the freshmen who had only registered the day before, said
goodbye to their first college demonstration and decided by acclamation to march back to school slowly and

By Don Leamy.

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