By Allie Ehrhart, News Staff
Sara Anthony, senior, journalism
Q: Who or what inspires your style?
A: Comfort and a classic style. I’m big into what’s already been done. I don’t really wear crazy things.

Q: What style would you never be caught dead in?
A: I would never be caught wearing jean on jean. The Canadian tuxedo is just not my style, but I see boys wearing it and it’s just not good.
Q: Are there any styles that you wish you could pull off?
A: I wish I could do the high-waisted jeans with a tucked in blouse or button down.
Haley Webb, grad student, elementary education
Q: How would you describe your style?
A: Kind of eclectic. I can go from super preppy one day to super funky or hippie. It really varies.

Q: Who or what inspires your style?
A: My friends mostly.
Q: Are there any styles that you wish you could pull off?
A: I always would love to wear something high-waisted.
Kelsey Thompson, sophomore, speech and language pathology
Q: Who or what inspires your style?
A: What I see in stores combined with colors I like. I buy a lot of purples, browns and grays.
Q: What style would you never be caught dead in?
A: I would never wear pajamas in public. I see some people who do it and it looks comfortable but I just couldn’t do it.
Q: Are there any styles that you wish you could pull off?

A: The really dressed up look – but not over-dressed, like high fashion. I see girls around campus wearing heels and looking dressed up, but it’s not too over-the-top.