Crime Log: Monday, Dec. 2 to Sunday, Dec. 8

Deanna Schwartz, campus editor

Monday, Dec. 2

12:00 p.m.

The manager of Wollaston’s Market in Marino Recreation Center reported stopping a shoplifter. Officers responded and reported speaking to the person and sending them on their way. A report was filed.

5:17 p.m.

An NU student reported her unattended headphones were stolen from a room in Mugar Hall after leaving them there over the weekend. A report was filed.

Tuesday, Dec. 3

9:01 a.m.

The manager of Wollaston’s Market in Marino Recreation Center reported a man stealing a banana and a soda. Officers responded and reported they were able to retrieve the items. A report was filed.

2:46 p.m.

An NU student reported his unattended backpack was stolen from Curry Student Center. A report was filed.

8:41 p.m. 

An NU student reported a robbery from a safe in her room in White Hall. A report was filed.

Wednesday, Dec. 4

12:03 a.m.

An NU student reported his jacket was stolen from the fourth floor of Snell Library while he went to the restroom. A report was filed.

12:11 a.m.

A proctor in Hastings Hall reported a man unaffiliated with NU was urinating in trash cans and smoking marijuana on the first floor of the building. Officers responded and reported the man had been previously banned from NU property. He left on his own when officers approached him. Officers reported the man will be summoned to court for trespassing. A report was filed.

10:24 a.m.

An NU student reported noticing damage to some of his property after his former roommate moved out of their room in Willis Hall. A report was filed.

1:51 p.m.

The manager of Wollaston’s Market in West Village reported an NU student came in with two reusable grocery totes, filled them with items and left without paying. Officers responded and reported stopping the student and placing him under arrest for shoplifting. A report was filed. 

7:56 p.m.

An NU student reported his laptop may have been stolen. A report was filed. 

Thursday, Dec. 5

2:10 p.m.

An NU student reported he was hit in the head with a piece of ice by a group of teenagers while he was inside the bathroom in West Village G. Officers responded and reported finding the suspects and meeting with the victim for identification. Officers reported bringing the perpetrator to the station. A report was filed. 

10:22 p.m.

A proctor in Burstein Hall reported an NU student entered the building without signing in. Officers responded and reported finding drugs in the student’s room. A report was filed.

Friday, Dec. 6

1:25 a.m.

An officer reported assisting a man with directions who became aggressive and spit in the officer’s face before fleeing the area. Officers reported checking the area with negative results and requesting an ambulance to transport the officer to Boston Medical Center. A report was filed. 

9:43 a.m.

An NU staff member reported his headphones were stolen near 216 Massachusetts Ave. A report was filed.

1:58 p.m.

A confidential sexual harassment case occurred on campus. A report was filed. 

4:16 p.m.

The manager of Wollaston’s Market in Marino Recreation Center reported a man unaffiliated with NU was shoplifting. Officers responded and reported the man has a lengthy criminal record and had been previously banned from NU property in 2008. Officers issued another trespass and escorted the man off campus. A report was filed. 

Saturday, Dec. 7

12:14 a.m.

An NU student reported observing a heavily intoxicated student who had passed out in the lobby of Davenport B. Officers called an ambulance to transport the student to a hospital. A report was filed.

1:28 a.m.

A proctor in Davenport A reported a guest of an NU student appeared to be intoxicated. Officers responded and keyed into the NU student’s room after there was no answer at the door. Officers reported requesting emergency medical services, who cleared the student. A report was filed.

2:51 a.m.

A janitor reported an intoxicated student vomited in the elevator in East Village. Officers responded and reported keying into the room after the student did not answer. Officers reported the student denied medical attention. A report was filed.  

6:39 p.m.

An NU student reported his bike was stolen from the entranceway of 170 St. Alphonsus St. A report was filed.

8:32 p.m.

A resident assistant in Burstein Hall reported responding to an unlock request for an NU student and finding her to be intoxicated. Officers responded and requested an ambulance to transport the student to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for further evaluation. A report was filed.

11:21 p.m.

A confidential sexual harassment case occurred on campus. A report was filed. 

Sunday, Dec. 8

9:58 a.m.

An officer reported stopping a man with a lengthy criminal record inside Curry Student Center while on patrol. The officer reported placing the man under arrest for a prior warrant. A report was filed.