Column: Ten back-to-school songs to keep you motivated
October 13, 2021
With a brand new semester underway and classes already in full swing, students are looking for ways to keep themselves motivated and productive. Adjusting to mostly in-person classes, new curriculums and various workloads, students can become overwhelmed and find it difficult to keep up with the new semester. However, with the right playlist, this mindset can be changed. The following songs have been carefully compiled into a playlist as recommendations for those looking for inspiration to get through the semester.
1. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” by Wham!
Whether you listen to this song while finishing your morning routine or while walking to an 8-a.m. class, it’s sure to put you in a positive and upbeat mindset for the day. Quite literally, it will “wake you up” and give you the boost you need to start a brand new day.
2. “Walking on Sunshine” by Katrina & The Waves
Another great choice to add to your morning commute, this classic will not only add an extra spring in your step but also help you appreciate the warm glow of Boston’s morning sun (while it lasts).
3. “Best Day of My Life” by American Authors
While pretty obvious, this popular song focuses on the best day of everyone’s lives. The catchy lyrics will no doubt wake you up and inspire you to make every day the best day of your life, whether you’re getting work done or giving yourself a well-deserved break.
4. “On Top of the World” by Imagine Dragons
With its upbeat tempo and invigorating message, this classic by Imagine Dragons is sure to put you in a better mood. You can’t listen to this song without feeling a new sense of elation and confidence, pushing you to keep going.
5. “Joy” by Bastille
Another upbeat, positive tune for those looking to brighten up their day is “Joy” by Bastille. Just like its simple but accurate title, this song will make you feel happier and more optimistic in just three short minutes.
6. “Confident” by Demi Lovato
There’s nothing bad about having confidence, so why not boost yours with Demi Lovato’s hit song? Confidence may give you the courage to talk to new people and branch out to new experiences, and it may also convince you that you will be able to tackle whatever challenges the new semester will bring.
7. “Victorious” by Panic! At The Disco
Whether you listen to this fast-paced song preemptively, or in celebration of an achievement, it’s sure to boost your mood and either give you a sense of accomplishment or help you believe that you are capable of a certain ambition. No matter where you listen to it, it has to be played LOUD.
8. “Unstoppable” by The Score
A great choice for any study or homework session, “Unstoppable” by the Score will certainly make you feel powerful enough to keep going even when your motivation is dwindling.
9. “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen
Another song with a message of perseverance, this Queen classic will help instill the confidence needed to keep you working hard throughout the semester. It also serves as a helpful reminder that you’ve already put in tons of effort towards your aspirations, and that you can definitely keep going.
10. “Shake It Off” by Taylor Swift
While songs that provide the momentum to keep working are certainly important, it’s also necessary to give yourself a break and to be forgiving of your mistakes made along the way. “Shake It Off” provides a nice rest where you can forget the past and look forward to a fresh future, acting as a nice mental reset.
No matter what your major or course load looks like, hopefully these 10 songs give you the motivation you need to have a productive and successful fall semester.