Crime log: Friday, Oct. 1 to Monday, Oct. 4 

Alexis Santoro, news staff

Friday, Oct. 1 

12:05 a.m. 

There was a motor vehicle accident on Huntington Avenue. Officers assisted with traffic. BPD assumed jurisdiction. 

1:14 a.m. 

Weapons were confiscated from an individual’s room in Kerr Hall. A report was filed. 

1:41 a.m. 

A caller reported a loud party at 650 Columbus Ave. A report was filed. 

2:12 a.m. 

A caller reported a verbal dispute on Huntington Avenue. The area was checked. 

2:31 a.m. 

A caller reported their phone stolen downtown and reported pinging in the area of Columbus Avenue. The area was checked. 

12:39 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual entered West Village A without swiping in. The area was checked. 

2:30 p.m. 

A caller reported items stolen from inside their office in the Mugar Life Sciences Building. A report was filed. 

3:00 p.m. 

A caller reported their vehicle was defaced in the West Campus Parking Garage. A report was filed. 

3:04 p.m.

An individual was observed climbing through the window of a Davenport A apartment. Services rendered.

3:27 p.m. 

A caller reported observing drug paraphernalia inside an apartment at 319 Huntington Ave. Services rendered. 

4:10 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual Zoom bombed their meeting. Services rendered. 

9:01 p.m. 

A caller reported the smell of marijuana in Willis Hall. The area was checked. 

11:56 p.m. 

An individual reported being stabbed in the area of Massachusetts Avenue and Melnea Cass Boulevard. BPD assumed jurisdiction. 

Saturday, Oct. 2 

12:01 a.m. 

A caller reported images drawn on a whiteboard in Stetson West. Services rendered. 

12:26 a.m. 

A caller reported an individual entered Willis Hall without swiping in. The area was checked. 

12:49 a.m. 

Multiple callers reported disorderly individuals outside of Davenport A. A report was filed. 

3:56 a.m. 

A caller reported loud music coming from 331 Huntington Ave. Services rendered. 

12:48 a.m. 

A caller reported a possibly intoxicated individual in West Village F. Services rendered. 

9:05 a.m. 

A caller reported an unattended bag on a bench outside of the Cabot Testing Center. The area was checked. 

9:23 a.m. 

A caller reported a vehicle blocking the entrance and exit to the garage on Gainsborough Street. The individual was sent on their way. 

4:24 p.m. 

Officers responded to an abandoned emergency call at SquashBusters Center. The area was checked. 

7:01 p.m. 

Officers monitor the area surrounding St. Botolph Street. Services rendered. 

7:20 p.m.

A caller reported hearing yelling in Public Alley 807. The area was checked. 

7:53 p.m. 

A caller reported an unknown individual acting aggressively toward them at 319 Huntington Ave. Services rendered. 

8:18 p.m. 

A caller reported exit signs broken in Davenport B. A report was filed. 

8:35 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual attempted to start a fight during the hockey game at Matthews Arena. A report was filed. 

9:32 p.m. 

A caller reported hearing screaming outside their window on Huntington Avenue. The area was checked. 

10:24 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual entering White Hall after their swipe did not register. 

Sunday, Oct. 3

1:48 a.m. 

A caller reported individuals ripping down signs in the hallway of the Midtown Hotel. A report was filed. 

2:02 a.m. 

A caller reported the West Village H lobby was overcrowded with individuals. Services rendered. 

2:27 a.m. 

A caller reported an individual attempted to enter the Midtown Hotel with another person’s ID. A report was filed. 

12:02 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual laying on the ground in ISEC. The individual was sent on their way. 

3:38 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual with a knife on Tremont Street. BPD assumed jurisdiction.

5:14 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual entered Kennedy Hall without swiping in. Services rendered. 

6:05 p.m. 

Individuals were observed on Camden Street combing through a duffle bag containing items that appeared to be stolen from a retail store. A report was filed. 

11:56 a.m. 

A caller reported an individual was assaulted by another individual at Carter Park. BPD assumed jurisdiction.

1:20 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual stole packages from the lobby of 331 Huntington Ave. A report was filed. 

3:37 p.m. 

A caller reported their bicycle stolen from outside of Snell Library. A report was filed. 

5:30 p.m. 

A caller reported an unknown individual opened their unlocked door at 650 Columbus Ave. A report was filed. 

7:50 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual in the middle of Carter Field causing a disturbance. The area was checked. 

8:38 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual entered Kennedy Hall without swiping in. The area was checked.

8:55 p.m. 

A caller reported numerous room numbers with ripped off doors at the Midtown Hotel. A report was filed.

Monday, Oct. 4 

6:21 a.m. 

A caller reported an individual attempted to gain entry into Smith Hall. A report was filed. 

3:21 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual entered Stetson West without swiping in. The area was checked. 

3:38 p.m 

There was a minor motor vehicle accident on Camden Street. Services rendered. 

4:11 p.m. 

Individuals were observed in a verbal dispute on Tremont Street. Services rendered. 

4:39 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual yelling at and assaulting others on Huntington Avenue. The area was checked. 

4:40 p.m. 

A caller reported a suspicious individual in the stairwell of International Village. A report was filed. 

4:51 p.m. 

A caller from LightView reported receiving fraudulent phone calls. Services rendered. 

6:12 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual entered East Village without proper access. The area was checked.

7:49 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual with a knife assaulting individuals near Whole Foods on Westland Avenue. BPD assumed jurisdiction. 

10:06 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual was sleeping on the first floor of Hastings Hall. The individual was sent on their way. 

10:42 p.m. 

A caller reported an individual may have been followed by another known individual to Light Hall. Services rendered. 

11:19 p.m. 

A caller reported the smell of marijuana in Willis Hall. The area was checked.