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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Vice provost, engineering dean to step down

July 23, 2007

With the new school year underway, two high-level Northeastern officials have stepped down from their offices to make way for fresh faces. Malcolm Hill, former vice provost for undergraduate education, left his position at the end of August, while College of Engineering Dean...

Former church site to be Blackman alternative

July 23, 2007

While the administration is evaluating the space for student group offices in the Curry Student Center, light is being shed on the issue of efficient locations for programming. With only 11 dates available for student groups in Blackman Auditorium students are struggling...

London offers chic, cheap destination

July 23, 2007

It's not hot; there are no half-naked Americans getting drunk on the beach, and it will most likely rain at least one day while there. Yet London is a different, cheap alternative for a spring break vacation. London can be a fairly expensive city to visit if students don't...

SGA pushes reforms for health center

July 23, 2007

A subcommittee of the Student Government Association (SGA) approved a bill last night calling for a speedy replacement of University Sexual Assault Coordinator Laura Weiss and increased student representation on a special committee examining the issues at University Health and...

NU receives $20 million grant

July 23, 2007

Northeastern received the largest single donation in its history last week: a $20 million gift from the Gordon Foundation which will be used to advance the university's engineering programs. Bernard M. Gordon and his wife Sophia provided the donation in recognition of Northeastern's...

Wizards of rock

July 23, 2007

Four years ago, Paul DeGeorge and his brother, Joe, had a "silly little idea" about a conceptual band with a very specific focus: Harry Potter. This Sunday, the product of that idea will culminate as the DeGeorges' band, Harry and the Potters, hosts their second annual Yule...

Primary concerns

July 23, 2007

The Northeastern community is abuzz with students flexing their political muscles and working together to gather support for the six candidates for Massachusetts governor. From creating Facebook groups called "Huskies for Healey" to volunteering at daily phone banks and...

Other nations’ days of love highlight sex – both (re)productive, and ‘mundane’

July 23, 2007

In America, Valentine's Day is synonymous with couples in cafes, romantic dinners in overly expensive restaurants, mood lighting filling dorm rooms and, of course, those oddly tasty candy hearts. But is this Hallmark-driven holiday as prevalent in other countries? A survey...

Strapped BRC denies half of fund requests

July 23, 2007

A spike in large-scale requests from student groups forced the Budget Review Committee (BRC) to cut nearly half the proposed funding requested during a six-hour meeting last night. The process left speakers like Danny Glover and events like the former Student Activities Program...

SGA upset by changes to Student Affairs Dept.

July 23, 2007

The announcement of restructuring in the Office of Student Affairs caused many in the Student Government Association (SGA) to speak up at their weekly Senate meeting last Thursday, saying student leaders felt left out of a process they believe will affect students directly. With...

Students disappointed in honors program

July 23, 2007

Nikki Frankel came to Northeastern with 34 advanced placement (AP) credits and was eager to take new and challenging courses through the university's honors program. She soon discovered this would not be the case. The sophomore English major was initially assured by faculty...

Bill aims to decrease book costs

July 23, 2007

As any student knows, the cost of textbooks can make the already high cost of college even more of a burden on the budget. Luckily for students in Massachusetts, there is a measure in the works to help regulate textbook prices and reduce the number of new editions released....