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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Column: Questions of race should prompt about-face

November 28, 2006

Sometimes I forget how far we've fallen behind. Or rather, how far we haven't come, despite often prematurely crediting ourselves with victory in a war against prejudice. I tell him that I grew up in a booming suburb of Dallas, Texas, attending a high school of about 3,000...

Deck the quad

November 28, 2006

Workers set up the holiday tree Monday afternoon in Krentzman Quad to prepare for the WinterFest tree lighting ceremony, which will be held tomorrow at 3:30 p.m. -->

Player of the Week: Mike Morris

November 28, 2006

Although Northeastern dropped its game Friday 3-1 to UNH, senior captain and The Northeastern News Player of the Week Mike Morris is showing a promising start to his final season. Morris scored the only goal of the game for the Huskies in the third period, making it his fourth...

Newbury comics founder talks industry woes

November 28, 2006

By Kate Augusto When it comes to the major record label's complaints about declining CD sales, Newbury Comics co-founder Michael Dreese said the labels should look at themselves for signing such weak talent. "There's a content issue," he said. "Marvin Gaye sang about Vietnam,...


November 28, 2006

Quackers! by Ricky Thompson Paul ' n' Lil by Lily Ko and Paul Cheung Angry Lemon by Hannah Flaherty and Ambria Klingle Comics are not edited by The News staff.

Holiday Hookups

November 28, 2006

By Cynthia Retamozo Across campus, students anticipate the moment they can walk out of their last class or exam; this moment marks the beginning of the holiday break at Northeastern. This break entails going home, celebrating the season, being with family, hanging out with old...

TV on the Internet

November 28, 2006

By Cynthia Retamozo MTV has MTV Overdrive, BET has BET on Blast and even Nickelodeon has TurboNick. These aren't TV branded energy drinks, but the networks' own online TV programming where viewers can watch the latest music videos and shows they may have missed during their...

Puzzle Solutions

November 28, 2006

Sudoku Solution Crossword Solution

Study reveals casual sex sentiments

November 28, 2006

By Marc Larocque A recent study for the publication of the Journal of Sex Research concluded that college-aged women with a history of casual sex tend to feel more depressed after their sexual experience than men do. The study, entitled "No Strings Attached: The Nature of Sex...

Van Wilder actor promotes sequel at NU

November 28, 2006

By Cynthia Retamozo A "Van Wilder" movie may seem an unlikely battleground for upending stereotypes. But actor Kal Penn learned otherwise recently. During the Q'A session of Van Wilder's "Get Wilder" night Nov. 20 in the CSC Ballroom, one student asked Penn about being typecast...

All Hail: Idea market missing from conversation

November 28, 2006

"Dude, you remember that 'Family Guy' episode when

Art Stars

November 28, 2006

By Nick Mendez Q: By using the Swiss style, (which puts emphasis on simplistic arrangement, attractive fonts and color relationships) what emotions do you aim to portray in your work? A: Straightforwardness. I portray the emotion of the content. Playing the content using the...