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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Delta Zeta suspended in party fallout

October 17, 2006

Northeastern's chapter of Delta Zeta sorority was suspended two weeks ago as part of the fallout of an off-campus party held earlier this month that was broken up by police, officials said yesterday. The limited, or administrative suspension will continue until the administration...

Letter to the Editor: Candidate needs to supply honest response

October 17, 2006

In response to John Kent's letter "Republican outlook is old and predictable," printed in the Oct. 11 issue of The News, it's na've to believe that only one political party engages in negative political advertising. Secondly, it is wrong to confuse negative advertising with "dirty...

Puzzle Solution

October 17, 2006

Crossword Solution

Letter to the Editor: Past actions are a sign of Dem’s shortcomings

October 17, 2006

In his letter to the editor on Oct. 11, John Kent deems Republican strategy "scare tactics." John, a more fitting term could be called: "factual history that dictates a candidate's agenda." In Democratic candidate Deval Patrick's universe, rapists are not bad people. This...


October 17, 2006

Quackers! by Ricky Thompson Paul 'n' Lil by Lily Ko and Paul Cheung Angry Lemon by Hannah Flaherty and Ambria Klingle

Center to educate about violence

October 17, 2006

By Jessica Torrez-Riley and Jenna Jones The U.S. Department of Justice granted $200,000 to Northeastern's Human Services Program in the College of Arts and Science in order to open a new Campus Center on Violence Against Women. The Center will serve as a hub of information,...

Commentary: Northeastern needs to Divest from Darfur

October 17, 2006

By now most of us are aware of the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan. Over 400,000 people have been murdered, 2.5 million have been displaced and it is still ongoing. Northeastern University strives to be among the very top colleges in America, yet fails to act decisively...

The search for the green machine

October 17, 2006

By Sonya Kovacic With environmental issues on the rise in national media, attention to the Earth has gained prominence on college campuses. At Northeastern, a variety of ways have arisen to find green alternatives. General Electric (GE) is partnering with mtvU, the MTV channel...

Commentary: No sign of university learning to spend logically

October 17, 2006

I was disturbed to discover Northeastern is using more of our tuition money for non-school expenses. They are going to be giving money to public schools in Boston. While I do believe Boston Public Schools need money and it is great that they are getting support, it is not...

Students walk for causes on NU Service Day

October 17, 2006

By Abigail Zorbaugh Tara Manchester tries her hardest to be a dedicated mom to her three children. She watches "Harry Potter" movies with them, plays the Yu-Gi-Oh video game and cheers them on at soccer games. Most importantly, she walks for them. Manchester, 34, walked this...

Column: More is needed for safe passage

October 17, 2006

The No. 1 concern of nervous suburban parents when they send their babies off to college in the big city is, "Will my baby be safe?". Why, yes, says NUPD. Northeastern even has an entire group of people devoted exclusively to safety, the Division of Public Safety. And their...

Coming out against homophobia

October 17, 2006

By Rani Pimentel Hosted by Northeastern University Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay Association (NUBiLAGA), last week was filled with events meant to open a new door to understanding and acceptance. The U.S. Department of Justice reported homosexuals are probably the most frequent...