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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Volleyball: Volleyball announces Class of 2011

May 23, 2006

Northeastern volleyball coach Ken Nichols announced the team's 2006 additions May 10, hoping to turn around last season's injury-plagued 11-16 record. Husky basketball fans will see a familiar face on the volleyball court in the fall. The fourth all-time leading scorer in...

Baseball: Huskies sweep GMU, clinch Colonial tournament spot

May 23, 2006

The Northeastern baseball team finished the regular season Sunday with a three-game sweep of Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) rival George Mason. The Huskies 27-21 (19-10 CAA) record is good for third place in the conference, and a spot in the CAA tournament. They will...

Women’s Track ‘ Field: Freshman breaks 10,000-meter record

May 23, 2006

By Nate Owen The Northeastern women's track team struggled with injuries in their two most recent meets. The Huskies placed 10th of 46 teams at the Eastern College Athletic Conference Championship meet, held May 12-14 in Princeton, N.J. Top performers for the Huskies included...

Northeastern Crime Log

May 23, 2006

By Bessie King Crime Log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Tuesday, May 9 6 p.m. The Boston Police Department (BPD) broadcast they were looking for suspects in a robbery at New York House of Pizza, located on the corner of Massachusetts...

Men’s Track ‘ Field: Anderson returns, scores 16 points in two throwing events

May 23, 2006

By Adam Riglian The Huskies returned to form this week after the absence of senior Derek Anderson from the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Championships. The team chose not to attack the New England Championships May 13 in Cambridge; instead they conserved energy for the...

Men’s and Women’s Crew: Men fourth in Rowe Cup, women end season

May 23, 2006

By Guy D. Schoonmaker The men's crew team placed fourth in the Eastern Sprints on Sunday, finishing behind Princeton, Harvard and Brown. The Huskies came in second in their first race on Lake Quinsigamond in Worcester, finishing two seconds behind Brown with a time of 6:11.5....

NEMO, CUP spotlight on-campus summer concert series

May 23, 2006

By Kaitlin Keane The sound of acoustic guitar and smooth lyrics floated through the library quad Monday, treating students to more than rare sunshine and a gentle breeze. Pausing on their way to classes, students experienced the musical stylings of Drew O'Doherty during the...

Changes to Curry out of touch with student wishes

May 23, 2006

We really can't fault you for the Starbucks, Northeastern. Soulless corporation it may be, but people love their Starbucks, and if you build it, they will come. But our congratulations end there. The decision to move the Student Employment Office from its current place in Speare...

Editorial Cartoon

May 23, 2006

Letter to the Editor: News’ ‘Patriot’ coverage more fair, balanced

May 23, 2006

We at The Patriot are a "fair and balanced" organization and would like to commend The Northeastern News for its much more accurate reporting the second time around. As stated before, we feel that, initially, we were drastically misrepresented in the April 19 issue ("Right side...

Letter to the Editor: Abortion should be matter of choice, not public policy

May 23, 2006

I am writing the following as a much-needed response to Dave Moberg's commentary on the April 19 issue ("Pregnant women need both education and services") of The Northeastern News. I hope Dave Moberg never gains a political position in this country. He misused so many ideas...

Outdoor concerts scheduled to feature hot, big-name bands

May 9, 2006

By Chris Brook Just like clockwork, as temperatures rise this summer, so will the frequency of outdoor summer concerts. Venues such as the Hatch Shell, the Tweeter Center and the Bank of America Pavilion, longtime staples in the Boston area will reopen their gates for live...