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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Letter to the Editor: Recent RSA events got poor News coverage – none

April 11, 2006

The purpose of the Resident Student Association (RSA), as stated in their constitution, is to "serve as the official liaison between the students living in Northeastern University residence halls and the staff and administration of the Department of Residence Life; to act as...

Women’s track team wins four events at GMU Invitaional

April 4, 2006

By Nate Owen Saturday was not a good day for George Mason athletics. Not only did its basketball team's improbable run to the Final Four end with a defeat, but the Northeastern women's track team marched in and won four events on George Mason's home turf. The Huskies were...

Leadership – at a cost

April 4, 2006

It's a basic playground principle: Play by the rules. But, years removed from the swings and sandbox, our Student Government Association (SGA) is breaking this recess commandment - and, even worse, breaking rules it set. While other student groups fight for the scraps of...

All Hail: Dunkin’ Do Not

April 4, 2006

My biggest pet peeve is incompetent people. I always try to give others the benefit of the doubt, but the Dunkin' Donuts in Richards Hall has brought me to my wit's end. Not once have I stopped in and seen them not screw something up. Last Thursday afternoon was no exception....

Commentary: SGA budget violates its creators’ rules

April 4, 2006

At last week's Student Govern-ment Association (SGA) meeting, in an hour and a half, the student senate passed a "Sense of the Student Senate" regarding the recent criticisms of Lane Health Center. This was then negated by the passing of the SGA budget. The budget not only...

It’s all in the ‘mics

April 4, 2006

By Allison Mudge Professor Geoffrey Davies and research specialist Elham Ghabbour may have different backgrounds. He is a chemist with an academic background, while she brings experience in environmental science and a focus on research. But when together in a room, their mutual...

Commentary: Consider the customers – ahem, students – first

April 4, 2006

I really shouldn't have been surprised when I opened the e-mail last week informing me one of my two Summer 1 classes, Beat Reporting with Chuck Fountain, had been canceled. After all, I'd heard the horror stories about summer classes for three years and things really did go...

African villagers get help from spring break delivery

April 4, 2006

By Aniko Nagy On a hot day in Africa during spring break, a bull drawing a cart bearing the words "Universite Northeastern" was given to villagers, thanks to the efforts of students from last fall's Politics of Developing Nations class. The bull was one of a number of animals...

Column: Seniors have reasons not to smile

April 4, 2006

Seniors may look happy. The weather is nice. The clothes are more revealing. Classes are almost over. A select few will be going to Fenway as part of senior week (not me, of course, but I'm not bitter). However, I urge all you underclassmen to look under the surface, because...

Roots, revenue equal partners in student’s successes

April 4, 2006

By Bessie King Sylvia Warot has been a go-getter since childhood. Growing up in a Polish family made the middler accounting and finance major value the principles of respect, support and responsibility; her first language was Polish and in kindergarten she began to learn...

Editorial Cartoon

April 4, 2006

Ell fire scorches OSCCR office

April 4, 2006

A fire in Ell Hall early Sunday morning caused about $500,000 in damage, mainly to the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR). The cause of the blaze is still under investigation. It was reported to the Boston Fire Department around 7 a.m. Sunday and was...