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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Husky Happenings

March 21, 2006

Northeastern to buy property near Matthews Arena In a letter sent yesterday to state officials representing the Roxbury community, Northeastern announced its intention to purchase property at 351-367 Massachusetts Ave., on the corner of St. Botolph Street and Massachusetts Avenue...

Commentary: PSSA, poli-sci dept. could learn from Free Culture

March 21, 2006

A few months ago, as head of the Political Science Student Association (PSSA), I had a pretty ambitious idea: I wanted to host a series of events on campus celebrating the concepts of Free Culture, which includes the idea that copyright laws should be balanced in order to give...

Northeastern Crime Log

March 21, 2006

By Matthew J. Nielsen Crime Log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Monday, March 13 7 a.m. An officer patrolling near Renaissance Garage observed a middle-aged man yelling and obstructing traffic. When the officer attempted to calm...

Art Stars

March 21, 2006

As part of an occasional series showcasing student art portfolios, The News spoke to Tim Jacques, a junior, graphic design major who shared his thoughts on the art world. Q: Do you have a favorite type of project? A: I don't really have a favorite. I kind of just do illustration...

Serious elections require stable leaders

March 21, 2006

Direct election of the Student Government Association (SGA) president is on the horizon, but, as with most things SGA-related, it is not without deliberation. Earlier this semester, SGA Vice President for Administration and Public Relations Adriana Campos wrote a commentary...

Culture, dance combine at Gala

March 21, 2006

By Megan Jicha Sights, sounds, colors, movements and people from different cultures across the world came together in a display of song and dance at Blackman Auditorium on Sunday. The International Student ' Scholar Institute (ISSI) and other student groups presented the...

Letter to the Editor: Open borders in Middle East possible

March 21, 2006

Last week, Mohammad Junaid Alam wrote a letter ("Palestinian age-old practice of killing not very old," March 15) replete with name-calling, and in it I am referred to as a defender of colonialism. He is trying to imply that the Jews in Israel were colonists, while the Palestinians...

Taking the heat … or not

March 21, 2006

Come on man, everybody's doing it. No, this week's column isn't about the dos and don'ts of drugs and alcohol reminiscent of your DARE class from over a decade ago. In fact, the thing I am talking about is harder to actually do than it is to avoid. And when I say "everybody"...

Letter to the Editor: Students suffering because of health center change

March 21, 2006

I am encouraged that the NU commmunity has started to take seriously the blunder that has occured in the "restructuring" of the UHCS. Ironically, the "architect of the merger," Dr. Philomena Mantella, sits on the committee evaluating her own mistakes. As a UHCS resignee, I have...


March 21, 2006

Drunk Mistake by Nathan Stearns Tuna by Evonne Davies Seein' Red by Matt Moore

Editorial Cartoon

March 21, 2006

Puzzle Solutions

March 21, 2006

Sudoku Solutions Crossword Solutions