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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Motor not included

March 14, 2006

By Bobby Feingold On a frigid winter night, black-clad bikers gathered in the center of Copley Square. Straddling their bicycles, the group of more than 15 circled around their informal leader in preparation for their ride. Shalom Keller, a grizzled-looking character with a...


March 14, 2006

By Marc Larocque Already populated by loads of Boston University students, Northeastern students fit well into the Allston-Brighton area. Taking up most of the B-line after Boston University, the neighborhood is also populated with housing comparable in price to Mission Hill....

Advocacy group sues Dept. of Ed. over drug provision

March 14, 2006

By Marc Larocque A non-profit advocacy group, best known for fighting a provision that denies federal aid for students with drug convictions, is suing the Department of Education for withholding a state-by-state breakdown of the 175,000 students being stripped of financial aid...

Journey abroad gives artist new inspiration

March 14, 2006

By Chris Brook With scraps of cut-up paper littering the floor and several studio lamps illuminating the room, Harmen Liemburg hunches over a Formica worktable. His office, smelling of freshly brewed coffee, is a modestly-sized nook adjoined to the Mac lab on the fourth floor...

Columbus Ave./Tremont St.

March 14, 2006

By Marc Larocque Located on the border between Roxbury and the South End, the once-dangerous Columbus Avenue has become safer in recent years. Due to the addition of four university residence halls and the NUPD headquartres, it's basically like living in West Village, Hassell...

Out-of-state students called to juries

March 14, 2006

By Samantha Porter College students from outside Massachusetts have their fair share of inconveniences. Their IDs are often turned down at bars and they have to vote absentee. And on top of that, they can still get called for Massachusetts jury duty. Jurors in Massachusetts...

Letter to the Editor: Patience required for UHCS changes

March 14, 2006

While we at University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS) appreciate the concerns raised in a recent article ("Resignations still plaguing UHCS," March 1), we want to assure the student body that our primary goal is to provide the highest quality health care to each and every...

Tell it on a mountain: Homesick for home cooking

March 14, 2006

By Rachel Slajda This is the fourth in a biweekly series following the journey of a Northeastern student studying abroad in Perugia, Italy. I am the rock-paper-scissors champion of Perugia. In an Olympic tournament a couple weeks ago, I took home the gold - 30 euros and...

Baseball leads off spring season

March 14, 2006

By Erika Carrubba FORT MYERS, FLA. - Mark McGwire, Alex Rodriguez, Andruw Jones, Derrek Lee and Albert Pujols have all hit home runs off Boston Red Sox pitcher and 2005 MLB All-Star Matt Clement. And now, Northeastern senior Chris Emanuele can add his name to the list. Clement...

Letter to the Editor: Palestinian age-old practice of killing not very old

March 14, 2006

The debate about Israel's military occupation over the Palestinians is peculiar in that Joe Tarkoff never confronts the main point ("Israelis more interested in negotiating," March 1). Like defenders of colonialism before him, Tarkoff invents rhetorical decoys and appeals to...

Husky Happenings

March 14, 2006

Freeland announces farewell events for this week As his tenure as head of the university draws to a close, President Richard Freeland announced he will make a series of on-campus visits to express appreciation to faculty, staff and students for the "many contributions to the...

Baseball team returns home with .500

March 14, 2006

Strong pitching and timely hitting wasn't enough for Northeastern's baseball team as it dropped two of its first three Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) games to rival Georgia State, as well as a close loss to nationally top-ranked Georgia Tech during the team's southern...