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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Grads dance with Boston Co.

February 7, 2006

By Elizabeth Mainardi Melissa Buffer and Lucas Legere are physical therapists who know how to move. The two graduate students spend much of their free time with the Boston-based dance company, Rainbow Tribe. Founded in 1992, it is a group of professional volunteer dancers...

Northeastern Crime Log

February 7, 2006

By Matthew J. Nielsen Crime Log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Tuesday, January 31 4 p.m. A female staff member of Snell Library reported a laptop missing from the third floor. Wednesday, February 1 1:30 p.m. A female staff member...

Oops! The WB discovers Northeastern’s secret:

February 7, 2006

By Julie Balise The search for the perfect college is as easy as pressing "play" - or so the WB would like to have high school students think. Their latest DVD series, "The U," showcases universities in four different regions of the country while featuring a special edition...

Men’s Hockey: No trophy on Huntington Avenue

February 7, 2006

Somewhere in a Huntington Avenue dorm where Northeastern apparel adorns a cluttered wall and an NU schedule is littered with missed opportunities in the shape of "L's" reality has sunk in for a diehard Husky fan. The bite of losing has stung this fan's persistent optimistic...

All Hail: Where have all the drivers gone?

January 31, 2006

So, I've been driving for three-plus years now and for the most part I love it, especially driving by myself. The sense of freedom; play whatever music I want, as loud as you want. But I'm a New Yorker, and these Massachusetts drivers are really burning my toast lately. Does...

Commentary: Fresh ideas for a livelier, springier Springfest

January 31, 2006

With plans for this year's Springfest already underway, I, like so many others, find myself completely apathetic to the whole event. Counting last year's Springfest make-up, Fallfest, this spring will mark my third CUP-delivered concert in my Northeastern career. However, I have...


January 31, 2006

Drunk Mistake by Nathan Stearns Tuna by Evonne Davies

Cleaning the murky waters of academic advising

January 31, 2006

How many clicks does it take to get to the center of an advising issue? Too many. As it stands now, a student must click 3.17 times, on average, to reach the advising section of a Northeastern college from the university's main site. Why not simplify? Online accessibility...

Puzzle Solutions

January 31, 2006

Sudoku Solution Crossword Solution

Commentary: A day of mourning, action, not apathy

January 31, 2006

Take a stroll down by Government Center if you want to see the essence of Boston. Walk by Quincy Market. Stop for a bite at Faneuil Hall. Pick up a bag of tomatoes, oranges or grapes from the foul-mouthed vendors at the Farmers' Market if you have a chance. And then look upward:...

Editorial Cartoon

January 31, 2006

Commentary: Remember all genocides, not just the Holocaust

January 31, 2006

During World War II, between five and seven million Jews were killed in death camps and through other means of torture at the hands of a hate-fueled Nazi regime bent on wiping out their race. This is not the first time a vengeful group of people has short-sightedly attempted...