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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Northeastern Crime Log

January 24, 2006

By Matt Nielsen Crime Log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Wednesday, January 18 10 p.m. A resident assistant (RA) of 319 Huntington Ave. detected the odor of marijuana smoke coming from one of the apartments. Officers spoke with...

The Hungry Husky: No excuses with ‘Know Fat!’ in town

January 24, 2006

By Mary-Eileen Gallagher How many days does it take to break a New Year's resolution - particularly when it revolves around eating better? Of course the first couple of days are a cinch, when you are pumped with enthusiasm and are still shaking off that holiday food buzz. However,...

Commentary – A word to the wise: Pants, not shorts, in winter

January 24, 2006

I realize that many students here at Northeastern are not from the New England area. Some may have never even seen snow until they came to Boston. So, please, go ahead and have fun, throw snowballs, build snowmen, live it up. It is understandable that people may not have known...

Puzzle Solutions

January 24, 2006

Sudoku Solution Crossword Solution

Young band channels the classics

January 24, 2006

By Megan Jicha Five musicians from Philadelphia are hoping to bring a little class to the rock music of today with their band, Roselind. "We wouldn't say our CD has a new sound that has never been done before," drummer Brian Vinikoor said. "We are just trying to bring back...

Wireless: Instant admission into top-100 heaven

January 24, 2006

Access to the Internet on Northeastern's campus has a lot to lose and little to gain - that is, in terms of wires. Computers with wireless Internet network cards are supposed to be able to access Northeastern's network, NUwave, at 16 locations on campus, according to the university's...

Sounds from the Underground

January 24, 2006

By Bobby Feingold On a cold Friday in a damp cave, a scraggly-bearded character in a technicolor blazer shouted from his soul. "Sometimes I feel like a motherless child," he said as the crowd looked on. The group backing the colorful leader began to stomp along to music projected...

Bestseller to speak on campus

January 24, 2006

By Elizabeth Mainardi Acclaimed author, composer and jazz saxophonist James McBride will bring his ideas and thoughts on heritage, identity and race to students on Thursday at 8 p.m. in Blackman Auditorium. Author of the New York times Bestseller, "The Color of Water: ...

Letter to the Editor: Snell snoozes as students seek study

January 24, 2006

The skimpy hours of operation at Northeastern University's Snell Library are irritating students and leaving them vulnerable to relentless sneering from their crosstown rivals. Boston University, Tufts University and Boston College all keep their libraries open until the early...

Class donations spur development, one ox at a time

January 24, 2006

By Annie Chin Students learned last semester that even a country halfway across the world is never too far to help. Students from last fall's Politics of Developing Nations course pooled their money to help a village in the African country of Niger. Collectively, some of the...

Art Stars

January 24, 2006

By Becky Higgins As part of an occasional series showcasing student art portfolios, The News spoke to Dan Alcala, a senior media arts and design major who shared his thoughts on the art world. Q: What medium do you work with the most, or find to be the most interesting? A:...

Commentary: Genocide in Darfur not acceptable in 21st century

January 24, 2006

Early into President Bush's first term, he scribed the infamous "Not on my watch" in the margins of the report on the Rwandan genocide. Nearly three years ago, another genocide erupted in the westernmost portion of Sudan known as Darfur. An ethnically-charged policy inflicted...