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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Gimme support abroad

January 17, 2006

Without a doubt, studying abroad sounds dreamy. But the recent complaints about the lack of support students studying abroad receive from Northeastern's Office of International Programs make the idea much less appealing than people expect it to be. Students should absolutely...

Invention Intervention

January 17, 2006

By LaDonna Laguerre The Rapex condom, a controversial new device invented by former South African blood technician Sohnette Ehlers, is expected to provide an amplified sense of empowerment and safety to women. A female condom that looks like a tampon and acts like a diaphragm,...

Column: Melt away pounds in the snow

January 17, 2006

By Emily Unsworth We are nearly three weeks into 2006 - 18 days to be exact - and chances are keeping your New Year's resolution hasn't been easy. Well, maybe it has been. Maybe you decided on Jan. 2 that you're tired of keeping your resolution or maybe you didn't make one...

Commentary: And they never have bananas, either

January 17, 2006

I never get tired of complaining about the Northeastern dining halls. Every time I walk into Stetson West or Levine Marketplace (aka Stetson East), I feel a hard ball of despair growing in my stomach. No matter how hungry I am, or how long it's been since I last visited the campus...

Poor rape statistics make campus safety a group effort

January 17, 2006

While inventors like Sohnette Ehlers are advocating aggressive methods of dealing with rape, there are other, less aggressive steps people can take to ensure their safety. Northeastern Sexual Assault Counselor Laura Weiss said the most important strength in preventing rape...


January 17, 2006

Drunk Mistake by Nate Stearns Tuna by Evonne Davies

Column: Professors, the tables have turned

January 17, 2006

About this time every semester, we students receive piles of syllabi from professors detailing course requirements. They order us to read, to attend class, not to plagiarize and other mean things. Now it is time to turn the tables. So, all of you professors out there, here...

New tip book offers more than coffee-table laughs

January 17, 2006

A cup of coffee may never have been considered the best way to get one's sexual motor running. That is, until now. Even the most experienced and outstanding sexual partner will have learned new tricks and health tips after reading "Satisfaction Guaranteed: The 350 Best Sex...

Puzzle Solutions

January 17, 2006

Sudoku Solution Crossword Solution

Letter to the Editor: CUP criticism does not improve decision-making

January 17, 2006

The column discussing CUP's decision-making for Springfest performances was extremely inconsistent with how things actually work. Starting early in the fall semester, students have many chances to help in the long decision process that CUP goes through every year to find the...

Forks and Spoons: Relationships for the 8-bit set

January 17, 2006

J. B. (name changed to protect the degenerate) is my Super Mario 3, Level 7 Pipe World. I could never beat Pipe World. Nobody could. You'd slave away for hours, making your right thumb all pruney from the sweat and pressure of hitting the A and B buttons a thousand times. You'd...

Editorial Cartoon

January 17, 2006