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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Volleyball: Easy win for UConn

October 11, 2005

By Erika Carrubba The Northeastern volleyball team was swept by Hofstra and UConn, but was able to get a win against Fairfield in the midst of three weekend road trips. "Being home is going to help us. We've had a long stretch on the road and it is wearing on us," said coach...

Commentary: Put offensive mascots in the penalty box

October 11, 2005

As fall moves toward the inevitable cold of late autumn, college sports fans are faced with numerous new and interesting dilemmas. No, not what to do over the annual BCS debacle or how far our hockey team will make it, but serious questions of sex and race normally kept far from...

Descrimination Politics in Sports

October 9, 2005

Discrimination Politics in Sports As fall moves toward the inevitable cold and snow of late autumn, college sports fans are faced with numerous new and interesting dilemmas. No, not what to do over the annual BCS debacle or how far our hockey team will make it, but serious...

Case Against The War

October 7, 2005

Two central pillars supporting the case for war in Iraq long ago fell to pieces. There were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, not until we dropped our own terrifying array of depleted-uranium weaponry. There was no al-Qaeda movement there, not until we launched the war...

Diagnosis Disarray

October 5, 2005

Dear Editor: I give permission for the use of this letter in its entirety in the NU News. I would like to respond to the article entitled "Diagnosis Disarray". Some students may recognize that I was one of the former medical providers at the Health Center at NU. I remain...

Husky Happenings

October 4, 2005

Boston Police warns women after area rapes The Cambridge Police Department and Boston Police Department are investigating two sexual assaults that took place near Fanueil Hall within the past month, according to a BPD press release, and warn young women in the area to take caution....

Cook’s ‘Waiting’ is a raunchy, yet riotous, restaurant romp

October 4, 2005

By Jeff Swoboda "Waiting" is a movie custom-made for anyone who has ever worked in a restaurant. Written and directed by Rob McKittrick, a former chain-diner employee, the movie provides an accurate (if not over-the-top) picture of what working in a restaurant is really like....

Player of the Week

October 4, 2005

The Northeastern men's soccer team began Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) play with two overtime ties to Drexel and Delaware. Goalie Sergio Saccoccio allowed just one goal in the games and passed Allen Lewis to become the career minutes leader. The Northeastern News Player...

OSCCR brings students behind closed doors for Integrity Week

October 4, 2005

By Meagan Walker In a West Village C classroom last Wednesday, members of the student judiciary board gathered to find an appropriate sanction for Kip Winger's offense at an Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) hearing. Winger, a student who lives in...

University celebrates ‘Trane in a day of jazz

October 4, 2005

By Susan Torres In the basement of Behrakis Health Sciences Center, a small group of jazz enthusiasts came to hear four professors discuss the significance of legendary musician John Coltrane. Event panelists Dr. Anthony Brown, Dr. Tommy Lee Lott, Dr. Emmett G. Price III and...

Women’s Hockey Preview: Two goals in mind for improvement

October 4, 2005

By Matt Foster For coach Laura Schuler and the women's hockey team, there are really just two goals for the 2005 season. Fewer distractions and more wins. The transfer of eight returning players and the graduation of now-Olympian goalie Chanda Gunn handicapped the team...

Over 250 participate in NU Service Day

October 4, 2005

By Jeff Swoboda As part of a plan to polish Northeastern's tarnished relations with the surrounding community, the Center for Community Service (CCS) held the 10th annual NU Service Day Saturday. About 250 students gathered in the morning to do volunteer work throughout...