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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Huskies continue to struggle as AE play closes in

April 5, 2005

By Jason Richland The Northeastern baseball team split the weekend set at Friedman Diamond in Brookline, downing the University of Hartford, 8-1, Friday and falling to the University of Vermont Sunday, 11-1. They then dropped the Tuesday afternoon game against the University...

Cauldron yearbook ready to click and tell

April 5, 2005

By Bianca Strzelczyk For seniors, all the tests, all the papers, all the stress of college life will end in a quick flash. And Jason Russak knows it. "I'm a little anxious to graduate," said the senior biology major who plans on attending graduate school. As he sat down...

Who wants to date our sports editor?

April 5, 2005

Fine, I'll admit it. I signed up for eHarmony, but not because I can't pick up chicks, just for the sole purpose of finding the truth. Come on, I'm a journalist, although I'm not quite sure what this has to do with sports. The idea was pitched and I thought, "Hey, it can't...

Forks and Spoons

April 5, 2005

In my six years of dating different men, I thought I encountered almost every type. I dated The Mature Relationship Guy, The Player, The Commitophobe and The Nice Guy. It seemed as though I had it all figured out. But it wasn't until recently that I discovered a type that has...

Disco punks dance their way to the Roxy

April 5, 2005

By Chris Brook Brooklyn-based Radio 4 brought their politically-infused disco-punk to Boston on Friday at a half-full Paradise Rock Club. Their latest album, titled "Stealing Of A Nation," was a stubtle jab at post-September 11 America and the election of 2000. Taking the...

Editorial Cartoon

April 5, 2005

Let the sleeping commence

April 5, 2005

Just when you were done figuring out who the guy putting everyone to sleep during last year's commencement was (hint: the Surgeon General), the President's Office and Board of Trustees decided to challenge you with another difficult riddle: Who is Leon Panetta? Well, besides...

The Hungry Husky: Pizza Party

April 5, 2005

By Mary-Eileen Gallagher Pizza My Heart It never hangs up on you in the middle of a fight. It never confiscates your fake ID on a Friday night. Never once has it asked you for quarters to do the laundry or forget to turn off the alarm when on vacation. All whining, griping...

Real World Road Rules Event April 8th

April 5, 2005

I read a paragraph in the NU news today that there was an event involving the Real World/Road Rules cast members coming to campus. It said to go online for the full story but when I went online, there wasn't anything. Can you please tell me how to find it?

Work hours limited for international students

April 5, 2005

Since the Student and Exchange Visitor Information Service (SEVIS) was implemented in late 2003, international students have struggled to make enough money to live in Boston with the limited hours they are allowed to work. "Part-time work on campus is allowed for an international...

Column: You have my word

April 5, 2005

By Hilary McMurray I'll be honest, I had a hell of a time deciding on a topic for my final column. Not only is this the last time you'll read "You Have My Word," it's my last month as an undergrad as well. Panic over what the future holds has not set in, but the empty feeling...

Graduation features former chief of staff, BRA chair

April 5, 2005

By Ricky Thompson President Richard Freeland's office has announced that Leon Panetta will be the commencement speaker for the spring 2005 morning graduation ceremony. Although the President's Office has revealed Panetta's role, many students said they still do not know who...