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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Geek Squad takes on villainous viruses

March 22, 2005

By Bessie King Geeks: the new superheroes. The geeks have endured a long period of living in the shadows. But now, thanks to the Geek Squad, they are saving people in technological despair and rising to fame for it in Best Buy's new computer customer relations service. Whether...

New RSA president wins support after 2 hr. debate

March 22, 2005

By Elizabeth Dudek Smith Anderson waited two hours outside West Village G classroom 108, while inside his fate as a student leader was being determined. Although he ran unopposed, Anderson's peers in the Resident Student Association (RSA) debated for more than two hours on...

Husky Happenings

March 22, 2005

High-tech laundry machines to arrive in res. halls In about two weeks, students can add one more buddy to their Instant Messenger list: a laundry machine. A new computer program, Laundry View, will allow students to check a Web site to see which laundry units are available in...

Stow away

March 22, 2005

By Ricky Thompson Jennifer Coit knows where she is going this summer, but the same cannot be said for most of her belongings. "I am probably going to put everything in storage," the freshman marketing major said. Coit, a San Francisco native, shipped a majority of her possessions...

The way you work it

March 22, 2005

By Hailey Heinz For students in the habit of throwing on jeans and a hoodie for their morning classes, dressing for co-op requires a different wardrobe, and a more professional sense of style. Last Thursday Xcel, the Females' Center for Excellence and Leadership, put on a...

Crowder era comes to an end

March 22, 2005

Donning his skates like he did in the early `80s for the Boston Bruins and Pittsburgh Penguins, Bruce Crowder stepped onto the Matthews Arena ice last Wednesday for an impromptu game with the Northeastern players who had become so dear to him. Minutes earlier, the former...

Students rally to ‘take back the night’

March 22, 2005

Pacing barefoot on an undecorated stage, Nancy Hulse let the silence overwhelm the Curry Student Center Ballroom as solemn faces contemplated the question she posed. "Why do men rape?" Hulse's thick silver rings clanged together slightly as she twitched her fingers at her...

SGA continues 30-year push for direct elections

March 22, 2005

After more than 30 years of discussing the idea, the Student Government Association (SGA) is making an effort to implement direct elections of their top two executive board members by the student body. This January President Bill Durkin instructed the Senate Nominations and...

It’s time for students to have the vote

March 21, 2005

Letting the people elect their leaders: a novel concept, and one the Student Government Association has been working toward for approximately 30 years. As each SGA administration passes in and out of office, the idea for direct elections is discussed and then somehow forgotten....

Commentary: Crowder brought spirit, fans to Matthews

March 21, 2005

By Mike Trocchi Two winning seasons in his nine years as Northeastern hockey coach probably made it necessary for the school to fire Bruce Crowder last week. However, we shouldn't forget the community owes him a debt of gratitude for the goodwill and good feeling he brought...

Letter to the Editor: West Village should ‘honor’ GLBT

March 21, 2005

By Adam Reale The cover story of the March 16 edition of The Northeastern News, "Growing Pains," by Michael Naughton, discussed the university's proposed plan to erect two new residence halls housing a combined 1,555 new beds. It goes without saying that there is a serious lack...

Letter to the Editor: Blind eye for Barea would not be fair

March 21, 2005

By Mark Wilson I was surprised the officials did not immediately eject Jose Juan Barea from the University of Vermont game.