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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Students rally to ‘take back the night’

March 22, 2005

Pacing barefoot on an undecorated stage, Nancy Hulse let the silence overwhelm the Curry Student Center Ballroom as solemn faces contemplated the question she posed. "Why do men rape?" Hulse's thick silver rings clanged together slightly as she twitched her fingers at her...

SGA continues 30-year push for direct elections

March 22, 2005

After more than 30 years of discussing the idea, the Student Government Association (SGA) is making an effort to implement direct elections of their top two executive board members by the student body. This January President Bill Durkin instructed the Senate Nominations and...

Column: Speak to the Beat

March 22, 2005

It was Friday night, when I jumped the Green Line on my way home from Park Street. The train was loaded with the usual drunken co-eds screeching "Oh my God, I'm wicked smashed," and dolled-up pre-teens fresh from the Ashlee Simpson concert at the Orpheum Theatre. However,...

Greek Week draws lines of battle between sexes

March 22, 2005

By Bianca Strzelczyk On the field, the girls were playing football; on the sidelines, the men were coaching and cheering them on. The role-reversing powder-puff game marked the start of Greek Week Saturday. The week is packed with activities planned specifically for the Greek...

Four Huskies honored by HE

March 22, 2005

For Northeastern's proud veterans, the 2004-05 campaign was one of both disappointment and resurgence. What remained true throughout the league, however, were the strong opinions on the talent, experience and leadership the seniors brought to Husky hockey. At the Hockey...

Proposed legislation looks to limit private lending

March 22, 2005

By Hailey Heinz Legislation was introduced in Congress last week that, if passed, would encourage universities to cut out private lenders like Sallie Mae. The legislation is called the Student Aid Rewards (STAR) Act, and one of the backers is Sen. Edward Kennedy. In a teleconference...

Letter to the Editor: West Village should ‘honor’ GLBT

March 21, 2005

By Adam Reale The cover story of the March 16 edition of The Northeastern News, "Growing Pains," by Michael Naughton, discussed the university's proposed plan to erect two new residence halls housing a combined 1,555 new beds. It goes without saying that there is a serious lack...

Letter to the Editor: Blind eye for Barea would not be fair

March 21, 2005

By Mark Wilson I was surprised the officials did not immediately eject Jose Juan Barea from the University of Vermont game.

Andrea Quintero

March 21, 2005

Question for the debate: Why is there no audible outcry for affordable housing? What good is guarenteed housing if the students can't afford it?

Commentary: Alum will miss the mullet-haired coach

March 21, 2005

By Andrew Cuneo After hearing of Northeastern's decision to allow former men's hockey coach Bruce Crowder to walk following the end of his contract, I, like many recent alumni, felt a sense of sadness. While it was undeniably time for change both for Bruce and the university,...

Housing ‘ GLBT Concern

March 21, 2005

The cover story of the March 16th edition of the NU News, Growing Pains by Michael Naughton, discussed the University's proposed plan to erect two new residence halls housing a combined 1555 new beds. It goes without saying that there is a serious lack of available on-campus...

It’s time for students to have the vote

March 21, 2005

Letting the people elect their leaders: a novel concept, and one the Student Government Association has been working toward for approximately 30 years. As each SGA administration passes in and out of office, the idea for direct elections is discussed and then somehow forgotten....