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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Player of the Week: Shawn James

February 1, 2005

Reggie Lewis. Just the name sends chills down the backs of Husky hoops aficionados. In Sunday's 69-59 win over Binghamton University, Northeastern men's basketball freshman forward Shawn James replaced the late, great Reggie Lewis as the single season blocks leader here on...


February 1, 2005

I want to start by saying that overall I enjoy the Northeastern News. However, I must admit that I was shaken when I was reading through the classifieds and came across an ad reading "Girls Wanted to be Adult Film Stars!". Initially I assumed it was a joke. But as I looked more...

Runway show aims for more than fashion

February 1, 2005

By Samantha Fodrowski With tissue paper couture and a little flair, the Vietnamese Student Association (VSA) hoped to raise awareness about a form of slavery known as human trafficking at a fashion show Saturday night. "A Spark of Hope," held in the Curry Student Center Ballroom,...

West Village keyless entries create hype over swipe

February 1, 2005

By Ryan Menard Call it karma. Just a week after sophomore computer science major Chris Sabanty criticized the lock system in his West Village apartment in a letter to The Northeastern News ("Housing card key system needs to be swiped," Jan. 12) he again found himself out of...

Commentary: When it’s cold outside, I want a parking space

February 1, 2005

By Bessie King I don't like the cold. Every time I go out I feel like my face is being attacked by invisible needles and my lips are slowly slicing away. I don't like the slush from the snowstorms either. Jeans and boots get stained and the rugs and floors are dirty and slippery....

For the love of the game

February 1, 2005

At Northeastern, the rioting phenomenon began the night of the Patriots' Super Bowl victory in 2002. When Patriots kicker Adam Vinatieri booted his last-second field goal, hundreds of students dashed onto Hemenway Street. They proceeded to flip two cars in a Mardi gras-like...

Super Bowl XXXIX: A Philly win, just for the Birds

February 1, 2005

Please forgive our sports editor ... he's banged his head one too many times against the Liberty Bell. Either that or his Philadelphia fanaticism has driven him to a new level of dementia. Now, I am not a gambling man, but I would encourage any and everybody to count on New...

Football assistant hired at Syracuse

February 1, 2005

By Craig Roman The Northeastern football team's coaching staff will have a new look when and if they start spring practice on time. According to head coach Rocky Hager, spring practice is scheduled for March 14, but the start may be delayed if the team is not able to find...

Lady hoopsters continue struggle

February 1, 2005

By Jessica Man The Northeastern women's basketball team cannot find a winning rhythm. They've lost three on the road to the University of New Hampshire, 70-64, Stony Brook, 77-66 and Binghamton, 75-53 -- all America East rivals -- and find themselves in a five-game losing...

Super Bowl Concerns

February 1, 2005

To the editor, Recently I received a letter under my door in Willis Hall from Vice President Ed Klotzbier about the Super Bowl security procedures. This letter informs me that I should "avoid gathering in large crowds outdoors after the game." While I understand where...

Letter to the Editor: Celebrate on Sunday safely to avoid a manic Monday

January 31, 2005

By Robert P. Gittens I'm proud to have the opportunity to promote not just the achievements of faculty and students, but the work of NU's Urban Outreach Council, the Center for Community Service and the Center for the Study of Sport in Society as well. I am painfully aware that...

Candlight vigil for tsunami

January 31, 2005

By Aparna Das On Feb. 4, the people of the greater Boston area will gather from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m. for a candlelight vigil at Copley Square. Community leaders and representatives from various aid organizations will discuss progress in relief efforts to date and speak about...