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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Women begin title defense on the right foot

December 9, 2003

The Northeastern women's track team opened its winter season on an impressive note Saturday, taking 12 of 18 events in the Husky Carnival held at the Reggie Lewis Center in Roxbury. Most notably, NU newcomer Aquilla Williams-Judge placed first in the 55-meter hurdles by more...

RSA’s VP for Finance resigns

December 9, 2003

By Michael Naughton The Resident Student Association's (RSA) Vice President of Finance Jason Russak resigned from his position last week. Russak, a third-year junior biology major, cited his reason for resigning as having too much to do at once. "I am a Resident Assistant,...

Former Husky praises Matthews staff

December 9, 2003

Ouch, this is painful. It hurts me to see the Northeastern men's hockey team working its way through the tough early going of this season. But being a NU hockey devotee, I packed the four kids and my wife in the car and made the trip to Matthews Arena for the UNH game back in...

What students REALLY want for the holidays

December 9, 2003

By Taryn Kelly This year, let's hope that Santa and his elves in the North Pole have the technological abilities to make the many gadgets that are popular among the Northeastern student population. What's on everyone's must-have list? Digital cameras and the new iPods rank...

Emergency phones to be more visible on campus

December 9, 2003

Assistance is only a quick call away with the newly renovated campus emergency phones located throughout Northeastern's campus. The Student Government Assoc-iation began the initiative last year to renovate the "blue light phones" that provide a direct line to campus public...

Tis’ the season … but it’s not the same

December 9, 2003

As a child, when it seemed the world held no more troubles than a snowfall without a school cancellation, the holiday season was one to be embraced.

Santa Claus comes to town

December 9, 2003

Many of us remember when we were children and had to wait in the long lines at the mall to take a picture with the jolly man of Christmas, Santa Claus himself. His spirit makes the holidays special, makes children happy and enlivens the festivities. Now, the illusion of waiting...

Without Barea, hoopsters fall to Fordham on the road, 80-59

December 9, 2003

The Northeastern men's basketball team couldn't fend off a second half surge by host Fordham (2-3) Sunday afternoon in the Bronx, N.Y., losing their third game of the season 80-59. The loss brings the Huskies to a 3-3 mark for the season, and 1-1 without star point guard Jose...

Men’s track show well at Husky Carnival

December 9, 2003

By Jeff Powalisz A re-energized Northeastern men's track team, including its fair share of talented underclassmen, made its presence felt Saturday at the Reggie Lewis Center. A host of great performances highlighted the season-opening Husky Winter Carnival, which included...

Northeastern Crime Log

December 9, 2003

Crime log entries are selected from Northeastern's Division of Public Safety reports. Tuesday, December 2 10:30 p.m. A community receptionist in a West Campus residence hall reported that a 20-year-old female student had been carried in by two friends and dropped off at her...

Zach’s one and only review of the year in minutia … Spinal Tap style

December 9, 2003

By Zach Hosseini Ah, 2003, we hardly knew ya. For me at least, it will be stricken forever from my memory (See: Aaron "Bleeping" Boone, Oct. 16 and Oct. 17). But some good stuff happened right? Right? Well I'm sure something did, and that's why I'm inventing an end of the year...

Don’t go smoking your life away

December 9, 2003

The new year is quickly approaching, and once again ,another year has gone by in record time. It's that time of the year when people begin to make empty promises to themselves. The time when students vow they'll lose 50 pounds by spring break (which is the first week of March...