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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News



September 23, 2003

Ongoing There's a new dog in town, and it could be you! NU Athletics needs energetic, outgoing and responsible students to be their new mascot! Students trying out for ice skating should have prior ice skating experience. Please Contact Steven Belowsky at ext. 2515 or e-mail...

Player of the Week

September 23, 2003

After figuring in all four goals in a 4-1 victory over St. Bonaventure, women's soccer player Liz Dyjak has been named The Northeastern News Player of the Week. The Huskies trailed the game 1-0 until Dyjak converted a penalty kick after fellow captain Jen North was fouled...

Police priorities skewed?

September 17, 2003

I used to think that people who were arrested were inherently bad, that police officers were meant to protect the innocent and maintain a society of security and well-being for all its inhabitants. That was until last Saturday, when I witnessed the Gestapo-like raids of Mission...

911: Help line turned adjective

September 17, 2003

911. Nine, One, One. A mere two years ago, those three numbers were all Arabic. Not only that, but the connotation they had was completely different. Those three numbers were what we were to dial in an emergency. We were all taught this as children and none of us have forgotten...

Not top 100, but close

September 17, 2003

The phrase of this phase of Northeastern's history may be "Top 100" rather than "NU Shuffle." A new rule of thumb seems to be slowly but surely slinking its way into the culture of the NU administration. Fresh, enthusiastic, professionals have come onboard to reinvent the way...

Cheating no way to make grade

September 17, 2003

Pressure mounting, deadlines looming, expectations breathing down your neck ... these are the general reasons that spew from the mouths of today's young scholars when asked about the motivation to cheat on an assignment. Growing up in a capitalist economy in the United States,...

The Awful Truth

September 17, 2003

By Stephen Sears Howard Dean is all the buzz right now. At one time this summer, he graced both the covers of Time and Newsweek. You would think Democrats would be excited that, at long last, a candidate has come along to energize the party. But come to find out they are all...

Northeastern Crime Log

September 16, 2003

Monday, September 8 1:30 p.m. A 25-year-old male student reported his digital camera stolen after leaving it unattended in the Curry Student Center on Friday, Sept. 5. The camera was left between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. 2:30 p.m. A 22-year-old female student reported her newly purchased...

The cafeteria conundrum

September 16, 2003

By Kristen Oliveri It is Friday night and you are in your dorm room patiently awaiting your handsome date's arrival. Your hair is perfectly done, your outfit resembles something Kate Hudson wore to the last MTV Movie Awards and those butterflies in your stomach are at an all-time...

Jackson’s Five

September 16, 2003

I had my first sip of it when I was about 8 years old. My father got me hooked. Ever since, I've been enslaved by it. I've been exposed to the brutality of the world ... the world of fantasy sports. That's right, the games men (also: people with no life) play pretending to...

Creatini, field hockey rolling into BC

September 16, 2003

Mari Creatini and the Northeastern Field Hockey team have both caught fire, with Creatini taking home America East Player of the Week award for the second week in a row and the Huskies thumping another pair of non-league opponents to win their third straight game. The victories,...

Menino, BIG look to more student involvement

September 16, 2003

By Steve Babcock Full of politics and politicians present and future, the Boston Intercollegiate Government (BIG), an organization composed of student government leaders from all over Boston, held a discussion-based conference at Northeastern Saturday, marking the conglomerate's...