The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Forecasting the inevitable

January 8, 2003

The only thing more predictable than snow in the winter is plans for higher tuition this fall. Of course you won't see anyone admit to that until a bill begins to weigh down your mailbox or your checking account, especially since they are still in the process of "fiscal planning,"...

Stereotypes don’t unify

January 8, 2003

In the Dec. 4 edition of The Northeastern News, a troubling editorial was written by Joe Goldberg, titled "A Different Kind." While Goldberg's intentions were good, his usage of inflammatory stereotypes ultimately ruined his interesting point and even further managed to divide...

Teaming up for NU safety

January 8, 2003

By C.G. Lynch In an effort to bridge NUPD with the rest of the community, the Division of Public Safety has installed a Team Police Substation in the lobby of Davenport B on Columbus Avenue. The substation, which is a prototype, opened shortly before students departed for...

New Year, Same Problems

January 8, 2003

By Bradley Rosenberg Since returning to campus after New Year's, many Northeastern students have been upset. They have been welcomed back to campus by new professors, new co-op employers, but most importantly to many, they have returned to no Internet connection. The NU network...

The Mission: To clean up the Hill

January 8, 2003

By Chris Janiec Northeastern University is taking several steps to exert more control over its students in the Mission Hill neighborhood in response to pressure applied from a well-organized group of concerned area residents. Their efforts seem to be having an effect thus...

Northeastern Crime Log

January 8, 2003

By Kate Daneau Crime Log Entry of the Week Saturday, Dec. 7 4 a.m. An RA reported that a drunk 18-year-old female student was vomiting in a mens room on the third floor of White Hall. The underage student allegedly admitted she drank vodka at an off-campus apartment but...

Time to build the Donuts

January 8, 2003

By Emily Werchadlo The anticipation is hotter than the coffee. The word is out, Dunkin' Donuts is invading Shillman Hall, and Northeastern students, as well as some administrators, are eagerly awaiting its unveiling. However, it seems like for now that eagerness will just...

Retention gaining momentum at NU

January 8, 2003

By Stephanie Vosk Though during the 1990s Northeastern has seen a steady increase in graduation rates and the number of freshmen who return to NU for their sophomore year, retention rates still remain an obstacle on NU's path to the U.S. World News and Reports' top 100 universities...

Mourant, students create virtual driving experience

January 8, 2003

By Alyson St. Amand In the Virtual Reality Laboratory in the Snell Engineering Center sits the front half of a mini van equipped with seats, a steering wheel, foot pedals and mirrors. This mini van is part of an extensive project that uses virtual reality to create a virtual...

ResNet woes

January 8, 2003

Students coming back from intersession were left in a state of bewilderment as they finished unpacking and booted up their computers only to find that the Internet did not boot up with them. The recent ResNet network shutdowns have been met by students with concern and wonder....

Cusack’s new movie addresses Hitler pre-WWII

January 7, 2003

If you were Adolf Hitler, what would you do before you created your evil empire? John Cusack's newest film tells the story of post World War I Germany and Hitler - pre-heinous dictatorship - as an artist. Hitler, played by Noah Taylor, is a rank and file military man recovering...

Mighty White stomps with the big boys… er, gals

January 7, 2003

Some around the Northeastern community may know of Brooke White for her role as a member of the school's ice hockey team. After all, she is the team's leading scorer (15 points), and is one of the few veterans on a very green 5-9-2 squad. Still, those who know her personally...