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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Illustration by David London

Cartoon: Big Money

March 17, 2016

News illustration by David London

Rosie the Riveter

Letter: Standing as a woman for future 8-year-old girls

March 17, 2016
I was eight years old when I was first told I couldn’t do something simply because I was a girl. Eight years old when I first had to defend my strength and ability. Eight years old when I first realized my hair and my love for pink made me stand out more than my straight As and mad Wiffle ball skills. I’m 19 now, and I cannot tell you how many times between eight and 19 I have been told I cannot do something because I am a girl. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to defend my strength and my ability and my intellect in regard to my gender. I cannot tell you how many times I have walked down the street just to have my slowly gained self-respect ripped away from my tightly clutched hands by a whistle or a “come on baby, give me a smile.”
Column: Owning up to the harms of the drug war

Column: Owning up to the harms of the drug war

March 17, 2016
Many Americans are understandably concerned about drugs in the US. But sadly, the rhetorical goal of fighting against drug addiction has been used to put a good face on terrible policies. Mexico is often unfairly portrayed as the perpetrator of drug smuggling. If anything, the US has been largely responsible to the rise of the cartels and the violence they bring, and it is Mexican citizens who are truly suffering as a result.
Respecting your youngers

Respecting your youngers

March 17, 2016
The end of American civilization is approaching, and it’s approaching quickly. Soon, no one will work. The economy will grind to a halt. Cars will disappear from the roads. Adults will idly wander around cities, unable to do anything for themselves, helpless. Breakfast cereal will be a discarded relic of a bygone era. The culprit? Millennials, in all their entitled, lazy self-righteousness.

Protect the right to film police

March 3, 2016
In a dangerously misguided ruling that contradicts previous consensus, US District Court Judge Mark Kearney ruled two people in Pennsylvania had no right to film and photograph police officers in public. His essential claim: Recorders have no right to protection unless they also make clear efforts to “challenge or criticize” the officers they film.
Israeli Flag waving against blue skiy

Letter: SGA decision promotes dialogue

March 3, 2016
Supporting peace and rejecting human rights violations may seem like an easy task, but what happens when it isn’t? When any seemingly good topic is presented without context and the full picture is not understood, how is someone to make a decision?
Understanding sea ice retreat

Understanding sea ice retreat

March 3, 2016
Each Thursday afternoon this past month, I’ve attended a lecture on ice-ocean interaction, each led by an expert in the field. The talks, held at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), are part of a course in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and are open to all members of the community, including college interns like myself. The experience of attending these talks is kind of like how I imagine it must feel to stand on a piece of ice in the warming Arctic.
Letter: A call on SGA to heed student voices

Letter: A call on SGA to heed student voices

February 25, 2016
On Monday, the Student Government Association (SGA) held a town hall to hear opinions from the student body on five referenda under consideration. Among the submitted referenda was a proposal from Students Against Institutional Discrimination (SAID) to initiate a democratic redrafting of the SGA Constitution to make the group more responsive to the student body. The referendum proposal is supported by a broad coalition of student organizations who have been frustrated for years by the Association’s structural flaws, which prevent representatives from being accountable to their constituents.
Kesha decision deserves criticism

Kesha decision deserves criticism

February 25, 2016
Last Friday, a judge refused to grant a motion filed by pop star Kesha Sebert seeking temporary release from her contract with a man she says raped her.
Column: Stop calling Bernie Sanders unelectable

Column: Stop calling Bernie Sanders unelectable

February 25, 2016
CNN and other mainstream media sources have strongly implied, and sometimes outright stated, Sanders can’t win. The myth that Sanders is unelectable has been popular for the entirety of his campaign, despite its disconnect from reality.
Op-Ed: Becoming comfortable with "majority black culture"

Op-Ed: Becoming comfortable with “majority black culture”

February 18, 2016
“When I was in seventh grade, a black kid in my English class told me I was black on the outside but white on the inside because I talked like a white kid. I told that kid that ‘if black people aren’t allowed to speak standard American English, I have no interest in being black, so that works out, doesn’t it?’”
Op-Ed: Learning to grow with personal identity

Op-Ed: Learning to grow with personal identity

February 18, 2016
Oppression. To be marginalized is to be oppressed. For a group to be oppressed, there must be an oppressor and a hierarchy of powers.