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The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News

The independent student newspaper of Northeastern University

The Huntington News


Review: Chinese sandwich restaurant offers bready delight

February 2, 2012
The Year of the Dragon is upon us, and there are few better ways to celebrate the Chinese New Year than by sampling some traditional Chinese fare. At Fóumami, a restaurant in the financial district, one can taste the flavors passed down through generations in China’s Shandong province — but it won’t be the moo-shu, dumplings, fried rice and General Tso’s chicken one might expect. Fóumami’s main dish is, in fact, a sandwich.

Boots a staple for students during winter

January 26, 2012
If a quick glance at Northeastern’s campus is any indication, winter footwear in New England means one thing: boots. Appearing in every style, color and material, boots are undeniably hot when the weather gets cold.

Column: Fashion in Spain

January 26, 2012
Spain normally conjures up images of bullfights, flamenco and sangria. But after spending five weeks in the country, I would have to add harem pants to the list. That’s right, harem pants. Apparently what Americans usually associate with MC Hammer is all the rage in Spain.

Health Services recommends flu shots

January 19, 2012
It’s here again: That time of year when students are either getting sick or doing their best to avoid catching a cold. Knowing what to do to stay healthy this winter could help save time, grades and money.

Fenway pub revisits classics

January 12, 2012
On a late rainy November weeknight, two former co-op colleagues and I decided to catch up by getting drinks and a bite to eat.

When the going gets tough, have sex

December 8, 2011
While some turn to food like chocolate to help make themselves feel better emotionally, others turn to sex for comfort.

Group aims to help students with children

December 8, 2011
This week, students in classes probably have three or more exams to study for, papers due, presentations to put together, work shifts to fulfill and lots of other activities that generally fill the typical college student’s daily life. Imagine if you also bore the responsibility of raising a child.

Feeding all the very hungry Huskies

December 1, 2011
Last week, Northeastern’s very own mobile restaurant, the Hungry Hungry Husky Food Truck or “H3,” as it is referred to on the NU Dining website, debuted to a community of very hungry Huskies ready for lunch.

Northeastern’s Au Bon Pain juices up menu

December 1, 2011
The Au Bon Pain (ABP) of Northeastern is a prominent on-campus eatery in the Marino Center that provides the student body, as well as the surrounding community, with the comfort of a variety of different sandwiches, soups and salads for the everyday meal.

Review: A non-traditional Thanksgiving

December 1, 2011
My Thanksgiving has always been traditional. I help my grandma cook the turkey and stuffing, peel potatoes and then melt into a food coma on the couch while pretending I care about football. But after having to work on turkey day for the first time ever, I realized tradition isn’t what makes the holiday.

Conor Larkin’s Drinks of the Week

December 1, 2011
With Thanksgiving behind us, the holiday season is in full swing. If sugar cookies and candy canes aren’t enough to satisfy your festive spirit, head down to Conor Larkin’s for the Oatmeal Cookie, a holiday confection with a spicy punch.

Northeastern asks, “Wanna be on top?”

November 17, 2011
People can say what they want about Tyra Banks, but there’s no denying the fact that, for the better part of a decade, Americans have flocked to their television screens to watch her lead dozens of modeling hopefuls down the runway and in front of the camera.