Andres Vargas walked into the Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) Tuesday dressed in a black suit and tie, ready to tell his side of the story.
The Student Government Association (SGA) president went before OSCCR’s student judicial board to testify about a party allegedly held at his Mission Hill residence Aug. 14.
For four hours Vargas was joined by roommates George Gottschalk and Patrick Stinus to listen to a parade of witnesses testify against them and on their behalf.
The roommates were told they must wait up to 24 hours for the judicial board’s decision.
“I take responsibility for a lot of things that happen on campus,” Vargas said after the hearing, “but I don’t control other people and when it comes to individual actions I can only take responsibility for Andres Vargas.”
If found responsible for hosting an illegal party and/or serving alcohol to minors, Vargas will be forced to resign his position. All three face a minimum sanction of deferred suspension which, among other things, denies them the right to hold an executive position in any student group, according to the Student Code of Conduct.
In a report to the New Student Orien-tation Office in mid-August, former Orien-tation Leader (OL) supervisor Marc Lo submitted a report to Associate Director Beth Rosenbleet des-cribing the alleged party and naming its attendees. Rosenbleet then submitted the report to OSCCR on Aug. 30, after Lo had resigned his position.
In the report, Lo broke down the names of those who attended the party by student organization, which included SGA, OLs, the Council for University Programs and the Kappa Sigma fraternity.
“Upon arrival we were greeted by Andres Vargas and told that there was beer and ‘Sex on the Beach’ (made in two coolers) available,” Lo stated in his report.
Lo’s report was corroborated by two other OLs who admitted their presence at the alleged party in letters to Rosenbleet. In her report, OL Casey Mulligan wrote Vargas had called her cell phone and left a message inviting her to the party. Once at the party, Mulligan wrote she had to pay $5 in order to get a cup.
Stephanie Durant, another OL, wrote in her report the party was at Vargas’ house and alcohol was the only available illegal substance at the party.
“Each OL, including myself, bought a cup for $5 each. Throughout the night we helped ourselves to the alcohol and periodically we were offered shots of vodka. There was a keg in the basement for people playing beer pong,” Durant stated.
SGA vice presidents Erin McFazden and Bill Durkin were also named in Lo’s report. Last week the two were found not responsible for underage drinking after meeting with OSCCR officials who decided their cases. Durkin was among those on a list of witnesses asked to testify at Tuesday’s hearing. Others in-cluded former OLs, former SGA members and Kappa Sigma brothers.
After the hear-ing, Vargas appeared calm, and asserted his innocence.
“Regardless of the verdict, I did not violate the Student Code of Conduct,” Vargas said. “I have always upheld the Student Code of Conduct as SGA president.”
– Staff writers Sarah Metcalf and Jennifer Nelson contributed to this report.
Also in this issue: Busta Rhymes Concert coverage