By Kelly Muellman
“Climate change” and “global warming” are a couple buzz words being tossed around lately. Essentially, as we consume more and more fossil fuels (coal, oil, etc.) we are releasing tons of toxins into our world. The toxins get trapped and act like a blanket around the earth, warming it. This is bad. Ignore the fact this means more warmer days at the beach and realize this means glaciers are melting, raising sea level and your favorite beaches will soon be under water.
Why am I telling you this depressing news? Because there is something we can do about it. There are alternatives to fossil fuel – clean, renewable energy like wind and solar power.
There is a project to put 130 wind turbines on Horseshoe Shoal off the Cape that would provide clean energy for 75 percent of Cape Cod’s needs. That’s a lot.
But some people are against it (Gov. Mitt Romney, Sen. Ted Kennedy and the rich coastal residents of the Cape) because it will ruin their view (it will appear as little specs on the horizon), lower their property value (it may actually increase because the wind farm will be a likely tourist attraction) and hurt fishing (coral will actually grow at the base of the turbines that creates homes for fish and populations are expected to increase). With these concerns addressed there is less dependence on fossil fuels, it will decrease asthma rates, cancer rates and mercury poisoning. The Cape Wind Project is a win-win situation.
What we need to do now is tell the decision makers that this wind farm needs to be built. Through Feb. 24, there is a public comment period in which any person may submit a letter to promote the Wind Project. Think of the effect if each one of us took the time to write one short letter. Our future and our health is in our hands – write about it.
– Kelly Muellman is a sophomore Spanish and environmental studies major.