Why the sudden Dow Jones plunge from about 10,750 points to around 10,150 points? Will this continue to happen?
Recent data from www.msn.com confirms that from Feb. 19 to March 19 the entire 30 Dow Jones components plummeted 4.5 percent. The market is cooling off after a 52-week range of 7,929.31 points to 10,753.63 points. This is a 35.6 percent return from March 2003 to now. Has the fire run out on this bull market?
In the past, a market correction has happened when the market has been as high as this past year. During the week of March 16 to 19, the entire market had selling pressure. On Monday, March 16, the reports of the bombing in Madrid, Spain caused the market to sell-off. This week, the price of oil skyrocketed to a 13-year high.