Senate changes Spring Break dates again
Faculty Senate approved a resolution last week to schedule next year’s Spring Break one week earlier than planned – still a week later than it was this year. After the senate voted last month to push Spring Break back two weeks, they learned this would interfere with the Northeastern baseball team playing the Red Sox during spring training, which prompted the change. The senate also approved a resolution urging the university to allocate $1,000 per year to all full-time faculty to improve their teaching. Despite talk of allocating more funds for department heads to disburse, the senate voted to give each faculty member a personal budget for improving effectiveness. “I was a department head, and very often you’re put in a position of deciding which relatively small thing which professor needs,” said history Professor Gerry Herman. He said allowing faculty to spend a small amount at their discretion would be more effective than leaving it to department heads. “It’s chump change that makes a difference, because each faculty member has access to it,” Herman said. Provost Ahmed Abdelal said the allocations would cost a total of about $800,000, and although he is unsure where the money would come from, he said the administration will look for ways to fund the resolution.
RSA to host annual “Residence Hall Ball” April 1
The Resident Student Association (RSA) will be hosting the annual Residence Hall Ball Friday. Themed “Two if by Sea,” the ball will take place aboard “The Spirit of Boston.” The boat will load at 6:15 p.m., depart at 7 p.m. and will be returning at 10 p.m. Tickets cost $20 and include dinner and transportation to and from the ship. Interested students will be able to catch shuttle buses departing at Chicken Lou’s beginning at 6 p.m. Students may purchase up to two tickets, and are invited to bring a guest from outside Northeastern if they choose. “The hall ball is a good chance for students … to get dressed up and go to a semiformal dance,” said Margaret Horton, president of RSA. “You can have fun with your friends and celebrate the year you finished.” Tickets will be available for purchase in the RSA office in Stetson West from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. until the day of the event.