so i woke up this morning like any sunday morning and made my way to the cafeteria for sunday brunch with my friends. As i walked through campus i couldn’t help but notice all the enormous clay pots full of flowers and color, what i thought were the first signs of spring, i got all excited and then realized that it had nothing to do with spring and nothing to do with any of us enrolled at norhestern that have been paying tuition anywhere from one to five years. there were parents and students: potential money spenders of nu walking all over our campus deciding whether or not the campus was worth their 45,000 dollars a year. i turned to my friends completely outraged. we continued our walk to the caf and upon our arrival to the line out the door of ‘”potential money spenders” . i noticed new statues standing at each of the stations along with all the parents. all i wanted to do was get an omelet and a soda but their was no silverware and there were no cups. why is that northeastern can’t spend OUR money on pots of flowers and stupid statues just because we are walking through campus or going to the caf on a sunday morning. we pay enough money that they should do it just to do it … as a matter of fact.. president freeland should be shaking our hands as we walk through the door. why do they spend OUR money to get more people to spend THEIR money at this school. i mean yours and my tuition already paid for the brick lined sidewalks of huntington avenue that the whole city seems to enjoy. thoroughly.
FYI Northeastern its not the clay pots of flowers that draws the youth of amercia here …. its the fact that they get to ive in one of the most unbelievable cities in the world, full of history, sports , culture and an amazing night life. … send them on a duck tour and save us all some money and a headache on a sunday morning.