Should Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station close 2012 or 2032?
Discussion by National Experts – March 3rd -7:30 PM
Pilgrim Nuclear – about to apply for license extension: The Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station located in “America’s Hometown, Plymouth MA has announced that they plan to apply for a license extension so that they can operate until 2032 – not close 2012, as originally licensed.
Considerations: Pilgrim could not be licensed if it were built today. Safety regulations and technological standards have all changed since Pilgrim was designed in the 1960’s and opened in 1972. The area population has more than doubled and is growing – impacting limited emergency services and evacuation routes. The footprints of radiation-linked disease have been documented in our communities. Terrorism is a factor in life and nuclear reactors are targets. The number of highly poisonous radioactive fuel rods on site grows each year; yet, there is no place to send them over the foreseeable future. No other industry is allowed to withdraw half a billion gallons of water from the Bay and spit it back out 30 degrees hotter. We have other energy options – the lights will stay on with or without Pilgrim. Nevertheless, Entergy is applying to extend Pilgrim’s license — and permit it to operate under almost forty year old standards –for another 20 years, until 2032.
Regulatory Process: Once Entergy, the licensee, submits their application to The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), the review process moves swiftly – the NRC staff completes its review of the application within 22 months from receipt of the application or 30 months in the unlikely event NRC agrees to an adjudicatory hearing. Therefore we believe that it is important to begin thinking about this important issue, now.
Learn More:
Where: Duxbury Middle School Auditorium – Saint George Street, Duxbury Directions: RT. 3 ‘#8594; Exit 11 towards Duxbury (RT. 14 E) ‘#8594;RT 14 bears to right at fork, after Police Station ‘#8594; RT 14 becomes St. George St. after traffic light At juncture 14 and 3A ‘#8594; continue straight, Middle School will be on right
Sponsor: Town of Duxbury, Nuclear Advisory Committee
When: Thursday, March 3 at 7:30 PM
Panel: *Dr. Richard Clapp, epidemiologist and professor at Boston University School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health; founder and former director of the Massachusetts Cancer Registry; research includes radiation hazards in communities near Pilgrim NPS. *Paul Gunter, Director, Reactor Watchdog Project, Nuclear Information Resource Service, Washington D.C.; policy analyst, author. *David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists, nuclear safety engineer; nuclear engineer with 17 years experience in the industry, author. *Dr. Ed Lyman, Ph.D. theoretical physicist; former Director Nuclear Control Institute; Union of Concerned Scientists, nuclear safety; research focus security and environmental issues associated with management nuclear materials; author. *Dr. Gordon Thompson, Ph.D. nuclear physicist, executive director of the Institute for Resource and Security Studies, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Educated in engineering and physics, he performs technical analysis on energy, environment and international security issues. Since the 1970s, he has assessed the safety and security of a range of nuclear facilities, for sponsors including national, state and local governments.