Dear Editor:
As a graduating senior political science student, I was alarmed by the recent editorial ‘Poli sci advisors: Get better jobs, now’ which stated there was a lack of co-op jobs for my major. Politics is a hard field to get your foot in the door. However, complaining that there is a lack of co-op jobs or that the jobs available are not glamorous won’t get you anywhere.
I started out pushing papers, making copies, and collating documents just like everyone else in politics. I didn’t get discouraged, I didn’t think my job was meaningless, and I didn’t blame someone else for my mundane job. If there isn’t a co-op job available that works for you: I challenge you to find a better one. I did the leg work and I ended up managing several local senate campaigns for my last co-op. I know that the jobs are out there if you look a little bit harder. If you’re not willing to do the extra work to find a better job without someone holding your hand along the way; politics is the wrong profession for you.
Andrew Worcester Senior, Political Science major [email protected]