“I don’t know much about it. I know both of them from around the Curry Student Center and they don’t seem like they would do anything with mal intent. It was an unfortunate thing to happen, but technically they have to go through the process like everyone else. With what happened to SGA last year I think they would be cautious not to attract scrutiny but something like this does because they are student leaders.” -Amanda Zoglio, president of the Council for University Programs
“I don’t know the logistics of the situation. It wouldn’t be fair for me to say they should or shouldn’t be penalized. They have to be aware that they constantly represent the student body. They aren’t just representing themselves, and they have to be aware of who their actions affect, and that’s a lot of people.” -Sergio Marrero, president of the Latin American Student Organization
“OSCCR obviously has a problem with their system if people can view certain files. I think [Benson and Cooper] did the right thing. Why would they say anything if they were doing something wrong? If I do the right thing will I be penalized? That is encouraging students, especially student leaders, to keep things quiet that they might find or hear about because they might get into trouble themselves. I think it was responsible and mature of them to contact the proper authorities.” -Hassan Harris, NU Fanzone