By Bessie King
As a college applicant I was told that to be more eligible, I needed to appear more diverse. My applications explained I was born in Texas, grew up in Mexico, had an uncommon name, spoke Spanish, French, and disliked chocolate ice cream. Well, I probably didn’t talk about ice cream, but whenever I could write on a personal subject I included the other details.
My first year at Northeastern was rewarding, but in three of my four classes first semester I was the only Latin student and all my professors were of European descent. Don’t get me wrong I love Europe, and it would be a dream come true to marry an Englishman, but as I am finishing my sophomore year I know the scenario just described will reoccur. I don’t mind that the school plays the “we’re diverse” card. After all, I played it myself; what I do mind is that they are not trying to live up to their claim.