Its fine to take sides on how NU’s money should be spent but in his article Mr. Lederman is not being fair about the debate.
The “straw man fallacy” is when a writer, for example, ignores the position of the other side and substitutes a misrepresented version of that position and then proceeds to attack the distorted position he has just created.
First, Mr. Lederman decides to call the proposed stadium an “investment” and then he proceeds to show why it would be a bad investment. It is no more an “investment” than Snell Library or any of our new dorms.
He goes on to say that he has heard a new “trendy” defense that says better facilities would attract better recruits. That is accurate and logical. He continues by saying that stadium proponents are saying that it will lead to “that elusive financial return.” It won’t and no one is saying that it will.
I, for one, do not oppose projects, student activites or clubs just because they don’t promise an immediate financial return. I would rather look at, for instance, what an on campus stadium would mean in terms of the student experience and I would like to see our athletic teams playing on a level playing field in terms of facilities.