Compiled by Sara Tucker, News Staff
Entry of the Week: Sunday, Feb. 10

The Middle East is a popular 18+ club and concert venue that features many well-known artists, especially those of the indie and hip-hop varieties. Readers of the Boston Phoenix voted the venue the best for hip-hop three years running, and the publication raved, “the Middle East has no rival when it comes to underground hip-hop.” This week the venue will host the Must Be Nice Tour featuring G-Eazy, Skizzy Mars and Ground Up. G-Eazy is a 23-year-old Loyola University graduate who started his career as a solo artist in 2009, and has recorded recent hits with artists like Hoodie Allen, in addition to touring with Lil Wayne, Snoop Dogg and Shwayze. Skizzy Mars is a 19-year-old sophomore at Union College, and Ground Up started making waves in 2008 when the band’s MCs Azar and Malakai met at Temple University’s freshman orientation. The group has released four albums since 2010 and hopes to expand their fan base through touring. 472 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge; 7 p.m.; $13;
Thursday, Feb. 7
Boston is home to various art museums, each with its own distinctive galleries, exhibitions and flair. The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) is one of the city’s most popular, with its distinct architecture and design on a spot overlooking the harbor. The museum offers free entry every Thursday night, so for those looking for something to do, but not willing to pay an entry fee, check out the new pieces on view at the ICA. Some of the current exhibitions include: “This Will Have Been: Art, Love & Politics in the 1980s,” a gallery featuring painter Mickalene Thomas’ recognizable feminist pieces, as well as the ICA’s permanent collection, which is currently emphasizing photography and portraiture. 100 Northern Ave.; 5 p.m.- 9 p.m.; free;
Friday, Feb. 8
Audrey Hepburn was, and still is, considered one of the great actresses of her day, with over 25 major film roles during Hollywood’s “Golden Age.” In 1967, Hepburn starred in “Wait Until Dark,” a stage thriller-turned-film in which she played Susy, a young blind woman whose husband was given a doll with drugs sewn into its clothing for safekeeping when its actual owner feared pursuit by criminals. The historic Footlight Club in Jamaica Plain will retell the classic story by presenting the theatrical version of the film beginning this week. 7A Eliot St., Jamaica Plain; 6 p.m.; $16;
Saturday, Feb. 9
Project Cupid is an annual affair at the Estate Boston, the popular club and concert venue on Boylston, in order to raise money for cancer research. Amy Blue started the event in 2010 with the hope of helping find a cure after her 9-year-old cousin lost a short battle with Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a cancer that attacks the bone marrow. During the event, bachelors and bachelorettes volunteer to participate in live auctions and opportunity drawings. Those interested can also volunteer to help run the event. The event is completely volunteer-based, with every dollar going to Pediatric Leukemia Research and Care at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. 21+; 1 Boylston Place; 6 p.m.; $20;
Monday, Feb. 11
The Boston Public Library is hosting a Monday night film series this year in its Rabb lecture hall in the library’s main branch. Celebrating African American actors in honor of Black History Month, this Monday’s film is “The Preacher’s Wife.” The 1996 film stars Denzel Washington, Whitney Houston and Courtney Vance. Vance plays Reverend Henry Biggs, who spends too much of his time trying to support his church and its parishioners, and not enough with his family. He asks God for help in a moment of desperation, and is answered by way of Dudley (Washington) who plays the angel sent to help him. Christmas is coming, and Dudley finds himself infatuated with Julia, the preacher’s wife (Houston), and has to find middle ground in order to help Henry instead of ruining his marriage. 700 Boylston St.; 6 p.m.; free;
Tuesday, Feb. 12
Carnevale is a two-month-long event sponsored by the International Student and Scholar Institute (ISSI) throughout the months of February and March during which students and faculty are invited to attend events designed to celebrate cultural diversity on campus. This week, in collaboration with the Alumni Relations and Co-op Connections, the ISSI is offering a “Beyond Borders: Israel” luncheon in the Curry Student Center with a variety of kosher food to allow an environment for American and international students with common interests to meet and talk. Guest speaker Esther Cohen, who works for the School of Engineering, will discuss her four-year experience in Israel and how it led to the foundation of the My Israel Wine Tours. Curry Student Center; 12 p.m.; free;
Wednesday, Feb. 13
Willy Mason was only 19 years old when he first hit the scene as a prominent indie rock artist. He grew up in Massachusetts after moving from New York City when he was young. The more laid-back feel of Martha’s Vineyard inspired his earlier music, which he played on a radio station in his town. The station led to his discovery and he signed a record deal with Team Love Records in 2003. Since then he has released four albums with popular hits like “Oxygen,” “We Can Be Strong” and “Gotta Keep Walking.” He has toured with artists like Mumford & Sons, Death Cab for Cutie and Radiohead, and will make his 2013 debut this week at the Red Room @ Café 939. 939 Boylston St.; 8:00 p.m.; $10 in advance, $12 at the door;