Compiled by Sara Tucker, News Staff

ENTRY OF THE WEEK: Saturday, Feb. 23
The 15th Annual Polar Plunge is coming to Boston’s beaches this weekend.The plunge is a “mid-winter dip,” in which participants race into the ocean and quickly make their way back out. The competition used to award first place to the participant who could spend the longest time in the water, and pledges would pay a certain amount per minute spent in the water, but due to dangerous and unsafe conditions, first place is now awarded to the participant raising the most money prior to the event. The event was founded to raise money for Special Olympics Massachusetts, and each “plunger” has to raise $250 in order to receive a free t-shirt (those who don’t reach the minimum are still allowed to compete). It may be short notice to raise $250, but “chickens” are welcome to watch the event from the heated tent at no charge. Revere Beach, Revere, or Nantasket Beach, Hull; 10 a.m.; free (donations optional);
Thursday, Feb. 21
Valentine’s Day was last week, but for some, the sting of that date-less, single night still hasn’t worn off. If this sounds familiar, the Boston Sports Club (BSC) is hosting a free “Tough Love” bootcamp this week to help bring out that summer body and perhaps score a Valentine for next year. The class is broken into four chapters, which are designed to be done with a partner – so bring a friend, date or come ready to meet someone new. The first chapter is the trust relay, focusing on increasing the heart rate and introducing you to your partner. The second chapter uses blindfolds (thank you, Mr. Grey) to heighten senses and strengthen the core; the third chapter is designed to build stamina, and the final chapter requires the ankles to be bound with a resistance band to increase leg strength. 1 Bulfinch Place; 12:15 p.m.; free;
Friday, Feb. 22
Improv Boston is hosting a College Comedy Festival from Feb. 21-24. The event is designed to bring out the best in the business for up-and-coming college comedy artists. Northeastern’s NU & Improv’d will be competing this Friday in a face off against Guerilla Improv from Worcester Polytechnic Institute at 8:30 p.m., and at 10:30 p.m. in the group’s first competition round. Ten different comedy groups from nine different Boston colleges will compete in an effort to crown the best in Boston. For those interested, the final round of competition will be held Saturday night, Feb. 23, at 9 p.m., between the two final teams to advance. 40 Prospect St., Cambridge; 8:30 p.m.; $10 per competition;
Sunday, Feb. 24
Every few weekends, Off Campus Student Services hosts a community clean up on Sunday mornings – one in Mission Hill, one in Fenway. The Fenway clean up will meet on the corner of Hemenway and Forsyth at noon for an afternoon of trash clean up followed by free coffee and donuts. The event aims to bring the Northeastern and Fenway communities together, and the residents of Fenway can’t help but smile as they see Northeastern students clad in red and black picking up trash in the area where they live and work. Corner of Hemenway St. and Forsyth St.; free; 12 p.m.;
Monday, Feb. 25
The Wayans Brothers of “Scary Movie,” “White Chicks” and “Haunted House” are coming to Northeastern for Kappa Sigma’s 10th Annual Comedy Night. Marlon and Shawn Wayans starred in their own comedy show on the WB from 1995-1999, and are making a comeback with comedy tours and movies. The duo puts a comedic spin on life, family and the difficulties of being black in their 2013 world tour. Tickets are $10 for students on myNEU Ticket Center, and $15 for non-Northeastern guests. Blackman Auditorium, Curry Student Center; doors at 7 p.m., event starts at 8 p.m.; $10 for students, $15 for guests;
Tuesday, Feb. 26
Grammy Award-winning Roger Sanchez will DJ at Bijou in Downtown Boston. The internationally acclaimed house artist grew up in Brooklyn, around all types of music and influences, and grew up to want to share those sounds and cultures with others. He has worked with artists from Madonna to Maroon 5, has his own record label and hosts a bi-weekly radio show called Release Yourself. A series of compilation albums and an all-night party experience, both of the same name, are Sanchez’s signature. 21+; 51 Stuart St.; 10 p.m.;
Wednesday, Feb. 27
Join the International Student and Scholar Institute (ISSI) this week for another Carnevale event – an international poetry reading. All are invited to attend and read a poem or two for those who so choose, regardless of the language or genre. Bring in your own piece, or one written by a favorite poet. The Carnevale aims to bring students together, regardless of race or background, and the poetry reading is designed to allow participants to learn more about one another, as well as about other cultures, in a fun and personal way. 405 Ell Hall; 7 – 9 p.m.; free;