Compiled by Rebecca Sirull, News Staff
Entry of the Week: Friday, Oct. 11
Street music gets a whole new meaning at the HONK! music festival. More than 50 street bands from around the world will congregate in neighborhoods throughout Boston, performing diverse and dynamic numbers for the whole community. But this isn’t just any street festival. The musicians use everything from trombones to bike horns to their own bodies to create a completely original sound. Many groups also come bearing an activist message, using their music as a form of protest or to spread awareness for a variety of causes. The festival blurs the line between performers and audience, creating a united atmosphere that is inspiring, entertaining and above all, fun. Various locations; 3 p.m. – 12 a.m.; free; honkfest.org.
Thursday, Oct. 10
Midterms getting you down? Come relieve some of that studying stress with big laughs at the LOLstel comedy show. Join Hostelling International Boston as it presents a hilarious night with some of the city’s greatest comedians including Kirstin Seltman and Paul Landwehr. The hostel is a part of Hostelling International – USA, which aims to help facilitate global travel and promote interactions between people of different cultures. Meet hostel guests from around the world and some locals, too. The show features witty humor, stand-up, musical compilations and everything in between. Here’s hoping the show’s jokes are just as hilarious as its name. 19 Stuart St.; 7 – 8:30 p.m.; free; lolstelcomedyoctober10-es2.eventbrite.com.
Saturday, Oct. 12
Join 17,000 other college students at the biggest back-to-school event in New England. CollegeFest features live music in a range of different styles, including popular mash-up duo, The White Panda. Over 100 local and national sponsors will host booths and give away too much free stuff to carry, so be sure to bring a bag. Enjoy the exhibitions of radio stations, food companies, clothing brands and many, many more. If there’s anything that can truly bring together thousands of college students, it’s free stuff, so don’t miss out on this great time. 900 Boylston St.; 12 – 6 p.m.; $10-15; collegefest.com.
Sunday, Oct. 13
The fourth annual Filmshift film festival showcases the creative talents of 20 independent filmmakers. The films span a range of genres from documentaries to action/thrillers and include several award-winning productions. Not only does the festival display local talent, but it also supports a noble cause. Ten percent of ticket sales will be donated to Christopher’s Haven, an organization that helps find low-cost housing for families staying in Boston for their child’s cancer treatment. Enjoy the art of film and support local actors, producers and directors. You never know if you may be watching the next great Hollywood star. 55 Davis Square, Somerville; 2 – 7 p.m.; $10; filmshift.org.
Monday, Oct. 14
Celebrate Columbus Day and take advantage of the day off from classes at the 12th annual Opening Our Doors day in the Fenway Cultural District. The day kicks off with a ceremony on the Christian Science Plaza featuring a speech by Mayor Thomas M. Menino, a performance by the Boston Children’s Chorus and free cupcakes from Amanda Oakleaf Cakes. Afterwards, enjoy a day of cultural experiences including performances, activities and open houses throughout Boston. Some events include glass-blowing, studio art tours, a capella shows and indoor kite-flying and building. Visit the Fenway culture website for a full listing. Various locations; 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.; free; fenwayculture.org.
Tuesday, Oct. 15
Looking for quality music close to home? Come check out the latest afterHOURS headliner, Neon Indian, accompanied by Magic Man. Alan Palomo, the creator of Neon Indian, helped pioneer the formation of a new music genre known as hypnagogic pop, glo-fi, or chillwave, which has a distinct electro-pop sound. He has performed at music festivals like South by Southwest, Bonnaroo and Sasquatch, and has been featured in Rolling Stone magazine. Don’t miss your chance to see this up-and-coming artist at no cost with your NU ID. afterHOURS; 7 p.m.; free; studenteventfinder.com.
Wednesday, Oct. 16
If the extent of your international music tastes is Enrique Iglesias and Gangnam Style and you’re looking to broaden your horizons, then this is the perfect opportunity. The Berklee International Network will host its 20th anniversary concert, featuring music from the Middle East, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe and Asia. The performance is divided into four ensemble groups, representing the diverse cultures and musical styles of the International Network. Help support fellow students while experiencing new and original forms of music. 136 Massachusetts Ave.; 8 – 10 p.m.; free; berklee.edu/events.