Compiled by Rebecca Sirull, News Staff
Entry of the Week: Friday, Oct. 25
Get out your best face paint and start practicing your “hungry for human brains” noises – it’s time for the Boston Zombie Walk. Join hundreds of other undead enthusiasts as they march through the streets wielding nerf guns, foam swords and other defensive devices. The route, marked with fake blood, begins at City Hall and continues throughout the government center area, ending at the Wild Rover pub. Some will be wearing full costume while others dress as survivors, or anything else related to the theme. Come bring the zombie apocalypse to life, or death. 1 City Hall Sq.; 6 – 11 p.m.; free; facebook.com/bostonzombiewalk.
Thursday, Oct. 24
Experience the beauty of outer space like never before. The Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Science hosts Cosmic Loops, an event combining the sights of the universe with the sounds of musicians Ian Ethan Case and Matthew Schoening. Case will perform on the acoustic double-neck guitar while Schoening plays the electric cello, both live without any pre-recorded material. The innovative musical techniques of both musicians create complex layers of sound to complement the visions of nebulas, galaxies and star systems overhead. The appeal of this show is truly universal. 1 Science Park; 7:30 – 9 p.m.; $15; mos.org/public-events/cosmic-loops.
Saturday, Oct. 26
Nothing gets you in the mood for Halloween like a good old-fashioned haunted house. And what better place than the spookiest city of all? Come out to the home of the famous witch trials in Salem to soak in the true Halloween spirit and get your heart racing at the 13 Ghosts 3-D Haunted House. Put on your 3-D glasses and prepare to enter the realm of spirits, ghosts and supernatural beings. Featuring black lights, animatronics and countless optical illusions, you’ll be in for the fright of your life. 131 Essex St., Salem; 4 – 10 p.m.; $10; salems13ghosts.com.
Sunday, Oct. 27
Whether you’re a gourmet chef or a Ramen-making pro, come see what your cooking skills can earn you at the Boston Food Swap. Bring some of your tastiest dishes to trade with fellow food-enthusiasts and get the chance to try some delicious new treats. Get as creative as possible, but make sure all items brought to swap are homemade and safely packaged. Bring a variety of options or just one; a lot or a little, it’s all up to you. Whatever you bring, you’ll get back in equal parts, so get cooking. 40 Berkeley St.; 2 – 5 p.m.; free; bfsfoodday13-es2.eventbrite.com.
Monday, Oct. 28
Any true fan of horror, sci-fi or fantasy will delight in the terrifying displays at Count Orlok’s Nightmare Gallery. A museum dedicated to the darker side of film, the gallery is sure to chill the bones of any visitor. Explore the halls full of monsters, witches and life-size representations of famous horror characters like Dracula and Frankenstein. In addition to the spooky exhibits, Count Orlok’s hosts a petrifying haunted house that will scare even the toughest customers. Live out your wildest nightmares at this chilling museum, or should we say BOO-seum. 285 Derby St.; 10 a.m. – 9 p.m.; $6 with college ID; nightmaregallery.com.
Tuesday, Oct. 29
For some people, traditional film festivals are just a little too mainstream. Experience the edgier side of film with Basement Media Festival, the annual traveling screening event. Specializing in contemporary, lo-fi, experimental cinema, the event features pixelated images, bright colors and grainy sequences that push the boundaries of what many people consider film. Created by LJ Frezza and Nicholas Tamburo in 2010, the festival has travelled throughout the United States and Canada, after getting its start in Brooklyn, NY. It’s only in Boston for one day, so don’t miss out on the chance to see this unique style of art. 559 Washington St; 7 – 9 p.m.; free; basementmediafest.com.
Wednesday, Oct. 30
Forget about fake ghosts and computer-generated images – It’s time to learn about the real thing. Author of “Ghosts of Cambridge,” Sam Baltrusis hosts a reading and discussion about the real spirits that haunt the historic city of Cambridge. From Harvard halls to the Somerville Theatre, the city is filled with mysterious happenings, including murders, crime and bizarre occurrences that have stumped investigators for decades. Baltrusis helps unearth the truth behind the strange events that occur in buildings throughout Cambridge, bringing firsthand accounts of spiritual encounters right to the audience. Hopefully you’re not scared of ghosts…yet. 338 Newbury St.; 7 – 8 p.m.; free; tridentbookscafe.com.