For 28 years, Dana Brigham has co-owned and managed a shop with deep community roots at 279 Harvard St. in Brookline.
Brookline Booksmith is a fiercely independent bookstore with a cutting-edge selection and three to four author readings each week, Brigham said. She shared 10 of her current top interests with The News.
1. Twitter ‘- Brigham got on the Twitter train because, in her words, ‘I know I need to know more.’ Follow the Booksmith at booksmithtweets.
2. Stephi’s ‘- The sister restaurant to Stephanie’s on Newbury is a new eatery at 571 Tremont St. in the South End. Brigham said she thinks it has a great chef and decor.
3. Coolidge Corner Theatre ‘- Brigham is a fan of this other long-term fixture in the Brookline community, because she said they have a fantastic film schedule and other offerings. The Coolidge Corner Theatre, at 290 Harvard St., periodically holds events like concerts and guest speakers.
4. This fall’s new fiction titles ‘- The new novels this season offer what Brigham said is the best selection in decades.
5. The card and gift room at Brookline Booksmith ‘- In addition to books, the shop sells a variety of gifts, ‘from the sublime to the fun and silly,’ said Brigham.
6. Allandale Farm ‘- Brigham said it’s the last working farm in Brookline, located on Allandale Road. It has a farm stand, educational classes, animals, hayrides and a plant nursery.
7. Clear Flour Bread Bakery ‘- Brigham said the bakery at 178 Thorndike St. in Brookline makes the best artisanal breads around.
8. Urban gardening ‘- Brigham said she thinks gardening in the city is great, because no garden is too small.
9. Passim ‘- A folk music and cultural center on 47 Palmer St. in Cambridge. Brigham said it’s the greatest folk music venue in the area.
10. Walks in the arboretum ‘- Brigham said she enjoys walking in the Arnold Arboretum in Jamaica Plain with her daughter and her daughter’s dog, Murphy. Brigham said the arboretum is beautiful all year round, and called it a ‘dog walker heaven.’
‘-‘ Anna Marden, News staff