As reported in last week’s issue of the News, a university forum originally intended for women of color only was opened to all students after protest from the Student Government Association. Dr. Robin Chandler, director of women’s studies and one of the organizers of the event, was quoted in the article expressing anger over the decision. Several readers wrote in, responding to Chandler’s remarks.
As an alumni living outside the Boston area, I receive an electronic copy of the Northeastern News every week. I was shocked by the comments I read in a recent article (“Forum opened to all after discrimination complaints,” Sept. 28). I was seriously offended by Dr. Robin Chandler’s opinion in this article.
Dr. Chandler was obviously dismayed with the fact her forum had to be altered from its original purpose, but she should have been aware of the university’s policies regarding discrimination and should have sought an off-campus location in which to hold her forum if she wanted it to be attended by only “women of color.”
The main issue to me was Dr. Chandler’s comments in the article. She stated: “I think it’s a shame that one or two white students, based on white privilege, a lack of awareness of racial issues and a lack of generosity of spirit complained to the office of the provost and were able, because they were white, to gain admission to the morning session that I was forced to open up. Only one white female student showed up and I welcomed her anyway, in addition to telling the audience to conduct themselves with integrity even though the presence of a white woman was unwelcome.”
These comments are beyond what is acceptable of a Northeastern professor, let alone the director of a university academic program. It is obvious Dr. Chandler’s opinion of white people is that we are all privileged and use that privilege to take advantage of people of other races.
Does this opinion carry over into her classes? Are white students not welcome in her classroom? Did Dr. Chandler stop to think, or even ask, the white attendee if she was there in order to gain a better awareness of racial issues facing women of color?
Issues of race and discrimination are always a sensitive subject and I believe Dr. Chandler would have a strong opinion if one of her colleagues were to set up a forum for white women only, in violation of Northeastern’s discrimination policy. This is a two-way street and shutting down one side creates a greater backup on the other. I feel Dr. Chandler has discounted my Northeastern education, as well as that of other Caucasian students and graduates with her public comments, by insinuating that we used “white privilege” to get whatever we wanted.
This situation has embarrassed Northeastern and all the university has done to try to bridge the gap in our differences, not only between races, but for persons with disabilities, other sexual orientations and heritages. Dr. Robin Chandler should not be allowed to skew that with her personal biases.
— Michael Morin is an alumnus from the Class of 2002.