A Presidential Search Committee has recently been assembled to find a new leader to replace President Richard Freeland. Unfortunately, only one seat has been designated for the student voice on campus. In the Nov. 2 issue of the Northeastern News, several students believed more students should be involved with the search process.
Kelley Van Ness, a sophomore communications major, said “a couple hundred, mainly upperclassmen who know what [contributes] to a good leader” should be involved in the decision-making.
Heidi Nelson, a senior theatre major, said, “We need a representative from each major.”
Erin Zalaski, a senior theatre major, said, “It should be a school-wide decision.”
One thing is for sure: this is definitely not a school-wide decision..
The problem digs deeper. The memo issued to the university community Sept. 28 stated the board was looking for a student “to be the voice of the student body in this unique and very important effort.” This student was to be a “representative of the student body.”
However, the student selected to represent the student voice is unable to meet with students to listen to their thoughts and opinions on our new president.
The student viewed a meeting as inappropriate and told students they should refer all further questions to Vice President Lembo.
Even though the fact the student voice has been heavily obstructed, there are still opportunities for us to express our opinions to the entire board, including our student representative.
The Presidential Search Committee will hold formal meetings and open hearings with the community in December so please stay tuned about meeting dates, times and locations.
In the meantime, think about characteristics that make an effective president. Think about where you want this school to be five years from now. Think about your future and how you plan on using Northeastern to achieve your goals. President Freeland turned this school around and I know we want a president who can take our school to an even higher level.
With that, I’ll see you in December at the open forums with the Presidential Search Committee.
– Tina Penman is a senior audiologic neuroscience major.