Regarding your article (“Former ambassador speaks on Iraq, CIA leak investigation,” Nov. 30), my question is: Why is anyone giving this person a forum from which to spread more lies?
You realize, of course, Wil-son was thoroughly discredited by the Senate Intelligence Committee investigation into pre-war intelligence over a year and a half ago.
Everything he spouted off was shown to be “incorrect” (i.e. a lie), especially his claim he “debunked” the theory Iraq was seeking yellowcake from Niger (the CIA analysts who received his oral report stated it actually corroborated other information they had previously received).
Also, his claim he had identified the forged documents actually put him in jeopardy of perjury, since the CIA did not receive those documents until several months after he completed his “investigation,” so he could never have seen them.
For someone who wrote a book titled “The Politics of Truth,” his personal story seems to be significantly lacking in that department.
Also, there were a number of irregularities behind his trip.
Most notable of these inconsistencies were his wife recommending him, the lack of security clearance or a written report, the fact he published articles relating to his mission without having to get CIA clearance, etc. These make things about him quite curious.
Don’t forget, when he started spreading his lies, there were two groups of people who knew he was lying – the vice president’s office and the people in the CIA (including his wife) for whom he had “spent a week sipping sweet tea and interviewing people.”
It would be reasonable to assume his wife, knowing what was really going on behind the scenes, would say “Joe, baby, don’t go there.” If, of course, she didn’t want him to spread lies and misinformation.
What we really seem to have here is a group of agents within the CIA who attempted to influence the outcome of a U.S. presidential election (i.e. an attempted coup), of which Joseph Wilson was either an unwitting dupe or a participant.
The fact you continue to give him a platform from which he can continue to extend his 15 minutes of fame implies a lack of integrity that puts you in the same ballpark as him.
– Nicholas J. Andrelli is a resident of Alexandria, Va.