Man convicted of stabbing student denied parole A man convicted of killing a Northeastern sophomore in 1990 has been denied parole. Larry Robinson, convicted of stabbing Mark Belmore to death near Ruggles and Coventry Street, cannot seek parole for another five years, the maximum time allowed. A Northeastern law student was randomly chosen to represent Robinson at his hearing through Northeastern’s Prisoners’ Rights Clinic, a move which upset the victim’s family. They said they are happy, however, that Robinson will remain in jail. “We’re of course pleased he was denied parole, and we’re pleased that he has the maximum time before he can apply for parole,” said Belmore’s father, John. “We’re feeling pretty good right now.”
Freeland discusses various issues with SGA Senate President Richard Freeland promised to meet with Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino in the coming weeks to discuss potential costs to Northeastern of a possible new program of charging universities for increasing police presence, he said Thursday before the Student Government Association (SGA). The policy would charge the university $100 per student each semester if passed. Freeland called the plan, which was initiated by a Boston city councilor, “narrow thinking.” While addressing the SGA, he also talked about a range of issues, including the increase in Roxbury violence and summer course offerings. He called the currently limited number of summer course offerings “the biggest issue” left over after converting the university from quarters to semesters. “It’s really a financial issue,” he said. “We only have a limited number of resources to finance classes that will only attract a limited enrollment.”
Twelve student groups collaborate on diversity forum Twelve student organizations will host an event titled “Why Are We Afraid?” to encourage a discussion on issues of diversity on campus today from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Curry Student Center Ballroom. The event has been in the making since early September, Latin American Student Organization (LASO) President Sergio Marrero said. Other student groups involved include the Feminist Student Organization, Haitian Student Union, NUBiLAGA, Brothers About Change, Northeastern African Student Organization, Barkada, the Onyx Informer, Student Government Association, XCEL, Northeastern Black Student Association and Progressive Student Alliance. The goal of the event is to “break down the walls of ignorance and embrace diversity,” according to a release. The event is supported by the student activities fee and is open to anyone interested in attending. “This is just continuing with encouraging dialogue on diversity on this campus, I’m really excited. I think it’s going to be great,” Marrero said.
Budget Review Committee funds comedy showcase The Northeastern African Student Organization (NASO) was allotted $4,684 by the Budget Review Committee (BRC) this week to put on their first annual comedy showcase in January, which will feature Michael Blackson, “The African King of Comedy.” Blackson has appeared on programs like “The Chappelle Show” and music artist Diddy’s “Bad Boys of Comedy.” NASO members also hope to bring in local amateur comedians from the Comedy Connection, NASO Cultural Liaison Yanoh Jalloh said. The Northeastern Black Student Association was also allotted about $22,000 for their program, “The Souls of Black Folk,” to celebrate Black History Month in February. The BRC also approved $4,695 to Brothers About Change to bring Adam Mansback, author of “Angry Black White Boy,” to campus to speak about race, white privilege and hip-hop.
RSA provides late-night snack for students The Resident Student Association (RSA) hosted its inaugural Midnight Munchies Barbecue last Saturday. The event started at midnight on the freshman quad. “It was by far the most successful event we’ve had this semester,” said Caitlin Campana, RSA vice president for programming. “Everybody was enjoying themselves and it was cool; they were able to have a hamburger and chill out,” she said. The event was sponsored by the RSA as a means to relieve student body stress in anticipation of the upcoming week’s finals. About 500 students showed up throughout the night and Campana said she was “happy with the turnout.” She said they ran out of food around 1:30 a.m., even though the event was scheduled to run until 2 a.m. Although this was not the first year RSA has hosted a barbecue event, this particular event succeeded due to heavy advertising around campus, Campana said.
Sorority collects clothes for students at Deaf school Delta Zeta is collecting clothing for the students at Horace Mann School for the Deaf. Horace Mann is the oldest public day school for the Deaf and hard of hearing in the United States, and was founded in 1869. The school has been associated with historical figures like Alexander Graham Bell and Helen Keller. All clothing will go to help students in need, and must be dropped off in 228 Curry Student Center by Dec. 15. All types of clothing are accepted and needed. For more information about the drive, contact Kaitlin Feeney at [email protected] or Tina Penman at [email protected].
Registration open for Martin Luther King Service Day Registration is now open for Northeastern’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. The event is sponsored by the Center of Community Service, and will take place Jan. 16 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be two service sites: the Greater Boston Food Bank and Morville House. The registration deadline is Jan. 10 at noon. To register, e-mail your name, phone number and site preference to [email protected]. The event is touted as “A day on, not a day off,” and will celebrate diversity and service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. For more information, contact the Center of Community Service, at 617-373-5809 or stop by 172 Curry Student Center. Students, faculty and staff are all invited to participate.
– Compiled by staff writers Dinah Alobeid, Stephen Babcock and Hailey Heinz and correspondents Jeff Miranda and Jessica Torrez-Riley.