By Mary-Eileen Gallagher
How many days does it take to break a New Year’s resolution – particularly when it revolves around eating better? Of course the first couple of days are a cinch, when you are pumped with enthusiasm and are still shaking off that holiday food buzz.
However, by now, three weeks into the New Year, I envision those low-calorie, low-carb, low-fat and often low-taste foods that you’ve diligently tried to adopt are beginning to incite protest from your palate.
Would a bacon cheeseburger with fries do the trick? How about a double chicken sausage platter with a choice of two sides? Care for a turkey tenderloin wrap? After all that I hope you still have room for dessert!
Now, before you begin to charge me with cruelty to dieters or as a saboteur of New Year’s resolutions, let me explain.
Among the McDonald’s, Sbarro’s and Wendy’s chains that populate Boston’s Downtown Crossing, there is a new kid on the block that is transforming the city’s fast-food neighborhood. The Know Fat! Lifestyle Grill, located on the cusp of Chinatown, is an innovative establishment serving healthy, affordable and flavorful dishes that won’t drain your wallet, upset your tastebuds or break your New Year’s Resolution.
Know Fat!’s motto of “the better way to enjoy the foods you love,” comes as a sincere invitation to indulge in your childhood favorites with a clear conscience. For the first time, you can savor the tender tastes of your meal and leave the calorie counting to the mathematicians.
Perhaps now that bacon cheeseburger, at only 551 calories, or that turkey tenderloin wrap, for only $5.99, is no longer a cruel suggestion on my part, but a juicy reality for you to enjoy.
For the skeptics, I know what you are thinking – Know Fat! must be a crunchy, vegan-esque restaurant where the McDonald’s haters go to vent and refuel on granola. However, you are greatly mistaken.
The two-tiered eatery espouses no such stereotypes. In fact, its interior is strikingly similar to its fatty fast food competitors, but the likeness does stop at d