Event of the Week:
“A Small Act” with a big result:
Would a heartwarming tale of success and charity help perk things up during the mid–semester stretch? Here’s one for the ages: A Swedish woman named Hilde Back contributes a small amount of money to provide for the schooling of a young Kenyan student, Chris Mburu. She doesn’t think much of it at the time, but he goes on to attend Harvard and become a United Nations human rights lawyer, establishing a charity in her name to educate more third–world students. “A Small Act,” a documentary about the unlikely true story, will screen at the Coolidge Corner Theatre, and Mburu will be present to speak about his life. 290 Harvard St., Brookline.; 7 p.m.; $15, $12 for students; 617–734–2500.
March 18
The Timberfakes are Boston’s premiere (and only, as far we can tell) Justin Timberlake cover band, made up of a full complement of four faux–Mr. Timberlakes (and one lady as well). Fans of the ex–N’Sync crooner and apparent golf enthusiast might want to turn out in force to see the ’fakes play with Lady Fairchild at the Great Scott. After all, it isn’t easy bringing all that sexy back yourself. The show is 18+; if you can’t make it, “Cry Me a River.” 1222 Commonwealth Ave.; 9 p.m.; $9; 617–566–9014.
March 19
Remember ska–punk? That is, the reggae–influenced, horn section–laden subset of pop punk that dominated the airwaves when the Mighty Mighty Bosstones sang about knocking on wood and all that? Well, Allston–based ska–punk stalwarts Big D and the Kids Table have been around since then, and plenty of albums later are still putting out catchy tunes to two–step to. If you’re a fan of the genre or just a bit nostalgic, head to the Paradise on Friday to hear some swingin’ local sounds as Big D gets down with We Are The Union, Morgan Knockers and Larry and His Flask. 967 Commonwealth Ave.; 6 p.m.; $15; 617–562–8800
March 20
The International Student and Scholar Institute has organized a trip to “Fashion Avenue” with their 14th Annual International Fashion Show. Student models will be showing off designs – from hip to classy; contemporary to traditional. The event, as part of ISSI’s Carnevale 2010 series, celebrates the diversity of both Northeastern and the fashion world. ISSI promises “rays of color, a fusion of international music, and an eclectic array of apparel.” The Fenway Center; 77 St. Stephen St.; 7 to 8:30 p.m.; Free; [email protected]
March 21
Calling all vinyl lovers and – yes, you too, snobby record collectors: it’s Sunday Spins at Toad in Cambridge. This weekly Sunday event allows area enthusiasts of scratchy vintage disks, as well as newly–pressed current favorites, to gather, listen, chat, and show off pieces of their collection by playing a few songs from personal stashes. It’s a great way to share some nostalgia at the end of the weekend, and be exposed to all kinds of tunes. Bring your best LPs, but no iPods or CDs allowed. Young folks take some time to build up your collections: Unfortunately, Toad is a 21+ establishment. 1912 Mass. Ave., Cambridge.; 3 to 8 p.m.; Free; 617–497–4950.
March 22
Japanglophiles of Boston – you know who you are: This is the annual concert for you. Japan Nite, a yearly tour born of the SXSW festival that has been hitting major cities since 1996, will be stopping by T.T. the Bear’s for a showcase–style night of up–and–coming j–rock, j–punk, and j–whatever else. Red Bacteria Vacuum (that probably sounds cooler in Japanese) will be joined by Omodaka, JinnyOops! and OKAMOTO’S. It will probably be more fun than a night spent reading manga. Show is 18+. 10 Brookline St., Cambridge.; 8 p.m.; $12 advance, $14 doors; 617–492–0082.
March 23
So the weather is getting better (fingers crossed), and the city is emerging from the winter slump and unexpected Spring downpours. This time of sunlight and happiness just happens to coincide with Ben and Jerry’s Free Cone Day, in which the Newbury St. (address below), Prudential Center, and Cambridge locations of the celebrated ice cream chain just happen to be taking part. Treat yourself to an old favorite or try something new – it’s free, after all. 174 Newbury St.; 12 to 8 p.m.; Free; 617–536–5456.
March 24
As part of its curiously–named “Interventions” series of artist lectures, the Northeastern Department of Art + Design is hosting New York–based experimental documentarian Lynne Sachs for a talk titled “Moviemaking and the Stubborn, Unruly Galaxy of Childhood.” Sachs, whose work is non–fiction but often far outside the normal framework and idiom of documentary filmmaking, has tackled issues from contemporary politics to … whales. For those bored with or tired of conventional documentaries, an “intervention” it may be indeed. 105 Shillman Hall; 6 p.m.; Free; [email protected]