The Faculty Senate convened a new committee last week to review the process that merged the campus health center and campus counseling center into a single entity last year.
The announcement of the new panel comes on the heels of a period of resignations by employees who witnessed the combination of the two departments into University Health and Counseling Services (UHCS).
Last week’s resignation of psychologist Linda Carmody-Kaczor brings the number of resignations over the past year to 24.
Carmody-Kaczor did not return phone calls seeking comment.
An e-mail was sent out March 3 to administrators in various departments announcing the new committee, which UHCS staff members reported they did not receive.
The Special Committee on Enrollment and Admissions Policy is a standing committee that reviews a different department each year.
Faculty Senate Agenda Committee Chair Carol Glod said UHCS was chosen for this year’s review.
“In terms of this committee and its charge, it arose from faculty and staff concerns about the health and well-being of students,” Glod said.
The committee will write a report with recommendations for change.
The committee is chaired by William Sanchez, chairman of the Counseling and Applied Psychology program.
In an e-mail, Sanchez said the committee has been charged with reviewing the “history, changes and current functioning” of UHCS.
“The committee is proceeding with this charge through meetings and interviews,” he said.
He said no information on the group’s findings could be reported until the final report is released, and no date has been set for the release.
Other members of the panel include Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Life Philomena Mantella, who served as the architect of the merger, nursing professor Rhonda Board, chemical engineering professor Daniel Burkey and Electrical Engineering and Technology co-op advisor Stephen Kane.
Student Government Association Vice President for Student Affairs Rogan O’Handley is the lone student on the committee.
The committee’s members remained tight-lipped about the panel this week, declining to return repeated phone calls and e-mails.
The panel’s first informal hearing for students will be held April 5 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in 450 Dodge Hall.
Students planning to attend should RSVP to Faculty Senate Administrative Assistant Ann King at [email protected] by March 29.