Northeastern to buy property near Matthews Arena In a letter sent yesterday to state officials representing the Roxbury community, Northeastern announced its intention to purchase property at 351-367 Massachusetts Ave., on the corner of St. Botolph Street and Massachusetts Avenue and adjacent to Matthews Arena. The property, which is owned by Ken Guscott, houses tenants under a federal Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract in effect through August 2023. Northeastern intends to honor that contract and allow current tenants to remain in the building, according to a release. “In selling the property, Guscott has sought an owner who will carry on both the existing HAP agreement and the property management relationship in a manner consistent with his ideals,” the letter states. The notification to the elected officials was necessary because of a 2004 agreement that requires Northeastern to provide officials with 30 days’ notice prior to the signing of a purchase and sale agreement to acquire property.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
BRC denies funding for ‘Support the Troops’ rally The Budget Review Committee (BRC) denied the College Republicans’ $860 request for a “Support the Troops” rally scheduled for April 13 in Krentzman Quad, reasoning that a rally is a non-fundable event, as laid out in the Student Activities Fee manual. The BRC also voted not to review a second request from Utsav for additional funding for Nataraj, a cultural show scheduled for April. However, BRC did approve a total of $20,979.70 in requests from seven organizations. The Newman Club received $3,005 for “The Writing on the Wall,” a diversity project. The Caribbean Student Organization and Brothers About Change received $7,700 for “Unity Week,” a multiple-day series of events that will illustrate both similarities and unique aspects of the minority cultures represented on campus. Other groups that received funds were the Unity Gospel Ensemble, Feminist Student Organization, Economics Society, Islamic Society of NU and the NU Choral Society.
– Stephanie Peters, News Staff
Congress upholds court’s ruling on recruitment Last week, nine of the 10 congressmen who make up the Massachusetts House delegation voted against a resolution supporting the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the Solomon Amendment, a federal law enacted in 1994 that requires universities to choose between allowing recruiters access to facilities or losing all federal funding. The resolution, which passed 347-65, had the support of two-thirds of House Democrats and the unanimous Republican caucus. The House resolution reaffirmed the law’s stipulation that universities accepting federal funds must provide military recruiters access that is “at least equal in quality and scope to that which is provided to any other employer,” an aspect of the Solomon Amendment that has drawn criticism from groups claiming the law forces private institutions to forfeit the right to decide what messages to associate with. The nation’s highest court ruled unanimously on March 6 that the government can force universities to allow military recruiters on campus despite objections to the military’s “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gay men, lesbians and bisexuals.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
Student Government Assoc. offers tax assistance The Student Government Association (SGA) and Community Tax Aid of Boston, Inc., will be co-sponsoring free tax help sessions for students every Saturday until April 8. Trained staff will be on hand to help students fill out federal and Massachusetts state tax returns. To be eligible, students must be legal U.S. citizens who either live or work in Massachusetts and make less than $30,000 per year. “A lot of students use the service to get help,” said SGA Vice President for Financial Affairs Billy Haddad. The sessions will take place in 140 Dodge Hall, from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on a first-come, first-served basis. International students who need tax help are invited to call the International Student and Scholar Institute at 617-373-2310. The statutory deadline for filing the 2005 income tax return is April 17.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
Tickets to Senior Week activities on sale this week Tickets for Senior Week activities will be on sale to the Class of 2006 tomorrow from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m., and March 27 and March 29 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., in the Frost Lounge in Ell Hall. All undergraduate students who graduated in December 2005, or will graduate in April or September 2006 are eligible to purchase tickets. Tickets are available for the following events: the Senior Ball, held at the Hilton Back Bay on May 1 for $55; a day-trip to Mohegan Sun on May 2 for $35, including bus transportation; a harbor cruise on May 3 for $35; and a Red Sox game against the Blue Jays on May 4 for $26. Each event, except for the Red Sox game, has a two ticket limit per Northeastern ID, while the baseball game has a limit of one ticket. For more information, students can visit the Class of 2006 Web site at
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff