Faculty senate votes to update registrar system The faculty senate voted last week to replace an “outdated” registrar computer systems with a state-of-the-art system to meet the needs of students. Some suggested specifics include electronic checking of prerequisites, electronic grade submission and continuously updated electronic rosters, although these were not included in the final resolution. The senate also voted unanimously to make class rosters for graduate courses electronic, and passed a “sense of the senate” resolution in support of faculty dining facilities. A “sense of the senate” is a resolution that has no official authority, but is an official statement by the group. The senate voted in support of such facilities even if they operate at a financial loss, with the justification that most Top 100 schools have them.
– Hailey Heinz, News Staff
SGA passes bill urging health center reforms The Student Government Association (SGA) passed a “sense of the senate” last Thursday that called for reform from University Health and Counseling Services in student healthcare, sexual assault counseling and availability of health services. The bill, which was introduced March 23, was resubmitted to the senate after the Student Services Committee updated and revised the document. It passed unanimously with 12 abstentions. At the same meeting, Rogan O’Handley, vice president for student services, announced that eateries in the Curry Student Center now accept Visa and Mastercard. John Guilfoil, vice president for student affairs, also announced that the “Writing on the Wall” event will take place April 10 to April 13 on the Library Quad. Students will be encouraged to write hate terms on blocks of sheetrock during the three days and then the blocks will be stacked into a large wall and symbolically knocked down, said SGA President Ashley Adams. She said it is an emotional event and will require constant supervision by police.
– Jessica Torrez-Riley, News Staff
Former Northeastern athletics doctor dies at 89 A remembrance service will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at Newton Cemetery for Dr. Job Fuchs, who died March 30 at age 89. Fuchs joined the University Health Service in 1948, and became team doctor for NU athletics in 1975. Fuchs was the author of seven medical articles dealing with the subject of pulmonary physiology, and received an Honorary Doctorate of Humanities from Northeastern in 1985. Fuchs was inducted into the Northeastern Hall of Fame in 1987.
– Jeff Swoboda, News Staff
Professor to head murder investigation panel Criminal justice professor James Alan Fox has been appointed to head a special panel to help investigate the motive behind the murder of six people at a house party in Seattle last month. Fox, author of “The Will to Kill: Making Sense of Senseless Murder” and “Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder,” is a nationally recognized expert in the field of violent crimes. “What I hope to accomplish is to put some closure on this event, to put some understanding around it,” Fox said in an interview with the Associated Press. “Although something like this seems quite senseless to the public, we can, after some thorough investigation, make very good sense of it. Not sense in justification, but sense in why he would have done this.” The 28-year-old gunman, Aaron Kyle Huff, later shot himself when confronted by police.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff
Snell peer tutors recognized for service An award ceremony to recognize Snell Library Peer Tutors will be held today from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the McLeod Suites in 318 Curry Student Center. In 2005, the Peer Tutoring Center provided more than 5,900 hours of tutoring to students, a 49 percent increase from the previous year. The center has 75 practice-oriented tutors who, in order to receive certification, have met a set of criteria including the completion of at least 10 hours of training, 25 hours of tutoring and an individual performance evaluation.
– Ricky Thompson, News Staff