At the end of each school year, the News gives students the opportunity to pick everything from their favorite pizza to their favorite visiting celebrity.
From residence halls to food, from shopping to sports, they chose the best of the best at and around Northeastern through an online poll.
This year, with new categories like Best Student Group and Best Sport, there are a couple of surprise winners.
But, as always, there are the standard favorites.
Chicken Lou’s once again proved greasy food is the only way to be the No. 1 on-campus eatery, and Newbury’s high-end fashion stores are still the best place to shop.
So with the votes tallied, the winners decided, here it is – Best of NU 2006.
function openSlideShow4543(){ + 4543,’selectUser’,config=’scrollbars=No,resizable=Yes’);}View the Best of NU 2006 – Photos Slideshow